I thought I couldn't trust Mecca at first. She seemed to come into our lives way to quick, and way too conviently. And it's like as soon as she came into our lives, that's when more shit started to happen.

Maybe being in a gang was a terrible idea. I mean yeah we're only in North Carolina for Maya's school. She earned it. Luckily, before Maya's dissappearance it was break. I don't know why they had a few weeks off, but I needed to find her before her classes start back up again. 

I know Duke doesn't play with their students' and missing School w/o an excuse.

And as for Devon's strange behavior, that's on the top of my bucketlist. Hell a lot of things are.

Speaking of Devon, he rasped his hard ass knuckles on the wooden door. I opened it up and he rushed in, to the spot i was standing in before.

"Damn. Did this shit really happen? Like you shot him for real?"

I nod my head.

"Damn." He repeated rubbing his face solemnly.

"We should take him to the hospital ourselves." I say and he nods.

"True, but didn't you call the ambulance already?"


"You know they might bring the FEDS for backup. And you have a lot of dope, and cellars and creepy shit like this in the house. And yeen got no gun liscense." He stated.

I know Devon bee in my house cause we homies and shit like that, but damn? What else did he know? I discreetly pushed a map of my house behind some potted plants. N*ggas can't be knowing everything--they talk too much.

"Dang, you right. Let's go then." I say finally.

He nods and picks up Quin's limp body easily.

I followed after him as we rushed to his Mercedes Benz.

I wanted to ask him why did he care about Quin surviving. I wasn't trying to be a rude ass or anything but, here you are caring so much about a n*gga you don't even know--when your girl is probably being sexually assaulted somewhere. On top of that... I glance at Devon's hand.

Trigger Finger Itchin' [Third Book to LOAFG]©Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ