Dangerous Prince: The Choice (book 3 - complete)

Start from the beginning

Nothing had changed. The castle was still the same. The garden was still the same. The angels living here in the castle were still the same - except for Ethan of course. Ethan has changed - a lot. He was no longer the angel who was always smiling but a demon who rarely smiles and always preferred to be alone.

It was my fault. I was the reason why he ended up like that. Instead of saving him, I ended up ruining his life.

As I approached the maple tree where Ethan, Justin, Athrun and I used to play when we were young, I noticed a girl standing on top of it and watching the sunset.

That was weird. She was a girl. She was not supposed to be up there.

When I reached the bottom of the tree, I looked up at her and shouted, "Hey, be careful!"

She looked down at me warily. "What do you - aaaaaarrrggghhh!"

Her eyes widened in shock. What was wrong? She looked afraid. What did she see? Surely, she cannot see my horns! "What's wrong?"

"There is a maggot! A maggot!" she screamed hysterically.

A maggot? That was what made her panicky? "Don't step back! Be careful! No!"

She did not listen to me. She stepped back and lost her footing. She screamed to the top of her voice and closed her eyes. Great. Now I had to use some of my stored energy so that my skin will not hurt when her skin touches mine. What a waste of energy!

I moved closer to the tree and held out my hands to catch her. She did not open her eyes immediately. Maybe she was still waiting for her to hit something hard. When she opened my eyes, I was amazed to see a pair of very beautiful brown eyes staring back at me.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

"Yes... um... will you... um... put me down?"

As requested, I put her down but still held her arms to support her in case she fainted.

"Thank you," she said, sounding relieved.

When my hand holding her right arm felt a pang of pain, I let her go. Damn it! I lost all my power just by holding this human for only a few seconds! She must have had a pure heart.

"Where is the maggot?" she asked anxiously.

Her question startled me. "The maggot?"

"Yes, the maggot!" She turned her back on me and said, "If you see the maggot please exterminate it right away."

I examined her back. "There is no maggot."




"Super what?"

"Super sure?"

I chuckled. She sure was a weird one. "Super sure." I looked up at the tree to see if the maggot was still there and it was. It was crawling as if nothing had happened. "It was still up there."

She looked up too. "How did you know? The place is so high so there are no way you can see -"

"I can see it," I cut in. "It's still up there."

"Nice eyes."

"Thank you." Did I just say "thank you"? That was... unusual.

"No. Thank you for saving me."

"What are you doing there by the way? And what's with the maggot thing?" I asked, my eyes burning with skepticism.

"I love climbing trees, and about the maggot... I just do not like it. Maggots and leaches scare me to death," she whispered glumly.

Demon Prince, Angel Prince and Dangerous Prince (complete)Where stories live. Discover now