I opened the door, and gently closed it. I couldn't help but sit for a split second and watch my mom cry in her car. She was a wreck, but what was I suppose to do about it? I couldn't bring Aunty back. My thoughts wandered as I approached the doors of aunt Shauna's home. It had been 2 months since we got the phone call. It was the police saying how Shauna Rover had committed suicide. She had left one thing that the police mentioned while on the phone. A suicide note. It had my mothers phone number written on the bottom. The letter was to a  Dacey Bourne.

Dacey, also known as my mom, couldn't believe her ears, not only could she not believe that Shauna killed herself, but she left a note. When the police officer gave mom the note she wouldn't stop reading it. She read it before she went to bed, in the morning with her coffee and sometimes she would even sleep with it. Whatever was in that note, it bothered mom. 

Ive never read it.

I finally came to the front door, and let out a sigh. I inserted the key and twisted like you would do to any door. As I opened the door, a gust of wind hit my face almost making me stumble backwards. I caught my breathe and fixed my shaggy black hair back into place.

What the hell was that.

I stepped over yellow police tape, and came upon a folder set on a desk, probably where aunt Shanna use to keep her keys in a bowl. Maybe she even put her rings in that bowl. Not the ring, she wasn't married after all.

I grabbed the folder and debated on opening it or not. When I did opened it, i shuffled through the pages, until I came upon several pictures. So stunned, I dropped the folder, almost puking. I clutched my stomach and closed my eyes wishing to unsee the seven horrifying pictures.  My mom entered from behind me carrying another box. She looked at me. "What's wrong?" Mom placed the box on the ground then shifted towards me. I covered my mouth and pointed to where the folder was placed on the floor. Confused, mom slowly picked the folder up, then looked through it. Moms eyes filled with rage and sorrow, as well as deep sadness. She didn't even say anything, all she did was grab her phone and start to dial a number.

"Who are you calling." I slurred. She just ignored me.

"Yes? Hello, i'd like to speak to the detective that was on the Shauna Rover case. Why? Oh because I just found his work that he forgot at the Shanna Rover resident." She said angrily, waving the folder. "Yes, a folder." Mom looked at me then walked into the living room. I could still hear her angry voice.

"Whats inside? Whats in- Ill tell you whats inside, pictures, yes pictures, pictures of Shauna. Of her gun shot wound and the what came after. " There was silence for a while, until mom started up again. "How could he be so carless, leaving his work here, for us to see. We're still grieving you know, and to- to see this, I just-" She stopped, probably being interrupted, probably being told to calm down, that they'll 'fix' it. Why would the detective leave the folder here, when he knew we were coming to stay in the house for a bit. It made no sense. I don't even know if I can sleep in this house peacefully tonight having those pictures burned into my brain. My eyes twitched and I glanced beside me to the box mom had brought in, at the top a paper was poking out. Slowly, I grabbed it, making sure mom didn't notice from the other room. 

Dear Dacey, it began. This is the note. I looked up at mom who had her back turned. Good, keep it that way Dacey. I slid the paper into my pocket.

" Mom?" I walked to her. She turned and mouthed impatiently yes?

"I'm going to go upstairs, I need to sit down." I whispered.

She only nodded and turned back around.



Please tell me how I can make it better, give me ideas! Please vote, comment and share my babes <3


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