▲ 3.5 | Revealing ▲

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Bill is coming to the story soon! I just don't really want to 'toss him' in here. I guess I just want a REASON for our characters to interact with him and vice versa. Thank you guys for your patience!
Chapter 3 - Levitating and Revealing All | PART 2 ◬
◬ Edited ◬

"You didn't think you were the only one with special abilities?"


Your eyes immediately grew wide. "Excuse me, what?"

"Duplication? Ya know? Like being able to clone myself?"

You blinked and held your hand up, staring at your palm mindlessly. In a way, you hoped your palm would just explain what he meant to you, despite his words being so simple. 

He sighed, "Alright, er, how to say this? I'm B/N, right?. But, there's also another B/N with mom and dad. You following me so far?"

His question didn't illicit a response from you, so he nudged you, "Hey? You're meant to be the smart one, remember?" 

Pursing your lips, you could only nod, anticipating his next response. He sighed, pinching his forehead together as a way to string his words together into a coherent sentence. "So... the brother that you know and love is right here. My... clone-" He grips at his hair and laughs, an action you found yourself all too familiar with, "This is so... cringe to say, I dunno. Alright, long story short, there's a duplicate of myself resuming my life for me with our parents. Get it?"

You were in shock. That explained your mother's call. So technically, this really was your brother. It was a little bit sad considering that the B/N spending time with the family isn't actually him, but at the same time, he still has B/N's appearance and mind.

"Do you share the same memories?" you asked, keeping yourself composed. 

He shook his head, "When we merge back, I gain back everything the other me has experienced."

That sentence alone boggled your mind.

"You've kept it a secret since you were old enough to figure out what you had and no one else knew?" You asked. It was surprising, but at the same time, it would have actually been a bit weird if you got powers and he didn't. 

Actually! What's even weirder is the fact that we got powers at all- with our... muggle parents. 

It just wasn't something you thought through deeply enough, so you never questioned it. Not until now anyways. Amused by your own thoughts, you smiled, until another question dawned you, "Since I have ability absorption, why haven't I absorbed your duplication?"

Before he spoke, you cut in again.

"Unless, it's because you may also have ability absorption or something that branches off of that power. It's a weird conclusion but maybe I haven't absorbed yours because it would be like two protons repelling against each other, because they both share a reciprocal positive charge, and from what I've read, I believe that's called the Coulomb barrier. That same analogy could be applied here." You babbled.

Your eyes sparkled at a new thought and your voice spoke hushed almost as if scared someone was listening, "Although, if that's the case, then maybe, the portal has the same sort of mechanics. Maybe, that's the barrier I'm currently dealing with! Our link between worlds - blocked away from an energy barrier. That's because there's an electrostatic interaction that I need to bypass in order to cause the reaction I need. A reaction... a nuclear one. If I manage to somehow cause that, radioactive waste can be used to power the portal!"

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