22. Thantophobia

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“I’m only human, I bleed and I fall down.” Christina Perri

Liam Christopher Black

I felt like I could explode at any moment. My mind was filled was a million questions, but only one was standing out: Why me? I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't.

Grandma was and will always be the only person in the entire world who understands me better than anyone. She simply couldn’t leave me. I wouldn’t allow it.

I couldn't stand the thought of arriving at home and not seeing her smiling face asking me how my day went. If she left me, I would be alone. I was not counting Lena of course.

 But she was Lena. Ever so unique and so freaking beautiful.

Back to your dying grandmother, Liam.

I had to control myself from completely destroying the gas pedal. I had to get there as soon as possible. I took deep breaths to calm myself down when the lights turned red. I avoided looking at the brunette observing me from her seat.

After what seemed like a lifetime, I pulled up to the entrance. Taking the keys, I closed to car door and forgot there was a girl with me. Now, all I cared about was being with Grandma.

"Son! Son! No running in the halls!" called a nurse whom I vaguely remembered the name: Cindy. I paid no attention to her.

Without looking back, I ran and ran through what seemed like a million halls, a maze never ending. I knew the way to her room by heart. After all, I came here everyday after school. The intensive care ward.

My most hated place.

I halted to stop in front her door. I couldn't get in. I couldn't see her die before my eyes. But, I had to.

 She was the most important person in my life. My hand shaking, I turned the knob. Instantly, I regretted doing so.

"Grandma! Where are you? Please don't-" came out a voice that resembled mine.

She wasn't there. The bed was empty. And I wanted a hole to dig itself up in the ground and swallow me.

My knees gave up and I fell to the floor. Soon enough, every part of me was shaking. Tears came out of my eyes, without stopping. I was too late.

It's my fault. I should've-no, I could've- I don't know, damn it!

Out of nowhere, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned, to see Dr. Morrison looking at me with concern and pity in his eyes.

"Where is she?" I whispered, barely audible. Doc sadly shook his head, his face looking exhausted.

Voila. There goes the last crumble of hope inside me.

"Son, she's not... We just transferred her to another room, she requested that. She's in her old room. Mrs. Black said she wanted to see you," He softly explained. I shot up, my legs carrying me to room 561.

For the second time today, I hesitated. No, I wouldn’t waste time.

 Every second, every moment had to be spent with her. She couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.

I turned the doorknob, hoping she'd be there. Through my tears, I managed a small, fake smile so she'd see that I was alright.

There she was, lying on the bed, a million wires connected to every part of her body. Trembling like a leaf, as white as a sheet, her cracked lips managed a small smile when she saw me. She looked a hundred years old, every wrinkle on her face visible. Somehow, I didn't see the old, wrinkled lady everyone saw. Darla Black was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her face glowed.

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