Masterpiece Theatre III

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Toby shook his head. "How do you make up for something when you don't know the full impacts of your actions?"

"I know I messed up, Toby." Megan's perfect figure was scrunched up in disappointment as she spoke. "I knew I had your attention all to myself and I took advantage of that. I thought that I could be a little selfish and it would be fine. I'm sorry. I was so wrong."

"You were more than just a little selfish," Toby corrected her. "You completely ignored my feelings. We didn't talk for about three years. Not three months. Three years!"

"I'm sorry, Toby. I got caught up in pursuing my dreams."

Toby scoffed. "That's a terrible excuse, Megan, and you know it. I was there when you needed me in high school and I would still do the same now. There was no need to sacrifice me for your 'dreams'."

"It wasn't my choice to," Megan mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

Before Megan could get a word in, a flurry of people began returning to their seats, signifying that the second half of Masterpiece Theatre was about to start. Megan glanced once at Toby, and then back at the stage. Once again, she chose the latter.

"I'll explain later. Talk after the show?"

"Sure," Toby responded half-heartedly. Megan's decision making process didn't offer him much consolation that things have changed for the better, despite her pleas for forgiveness.

The second half of the play continued in the same manner as the first. Both actors picked up right where they left off, enchanting the crowd with their every motion and word. In the background, the symphony continued to hum, integrating song after song into the performance. Everything just seemed so effortlessly perfect.

Although this had been one of his most highly anticipated stops, Toby found himself zoning out from the play and putting his focus towards Megan. He had taken an interest to theatre, but that was only because of Megan's influence. The reason he had placed the Globe Theatre so highly on his priority list was because there was a chance that Megan was here. He had been right.

After another hour and a half of spell binding performing from the actors, the end was in sight for Masterpiece Theatre. Three hours, give or take, in total of pulse pounding action.

The symphony's final number was nothing short of magnificent. It was a musical reenactment of the performance on stage: started out slow and suspenseful, then gradually building up as the romance reached its peak. The drums and the cymbals might have been obnoxiously loud in any other situation, but here, it was invaluable in setting the anticipation for the final act.

When the star crossed lovers on stage found their happily ever after, the crowd gave them a rousing applause. Their performance was nothing short of magical.

The audience began to head for the exits to continue on with their regular life. Toby followed the crowd out the doors into the London night. A moderate layer of snow on the ground and the chill in the air reminded him that although London wasn't Vancouver, the winters were still quite potent.

Toby stood on one of the steps leading up to the Globe and looked around for Megan. This plan took months to execute. Even though he wasn't convinced that anything was changing, Toby still wanted to stick to the script and see it through.

Megan appeared moments later, darting through the crowd in her large overcoat and thick brimmed hat. Toby supposed that was the one side effect of being a celebrity. Her face had to be hidden from paparazzi, unless she was ready to field a barrage of questions from eager scoop seekers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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