Chapter 3 ~Heart Vacancy

En başından başla

(Not the end of chapter 3 ill update more soon) :)

hey here you go sorry for the wait

" I could use a swim", he walks to the pool taking his jacket off. He is now shirtless and he jumps in the pool. I couldn't believe that what I was seeing is actually happening. I was standing there in shock looking at him when he surfaced to the top and flipped his hair. Ok im officially in love with this sexy man named Nathan Sykes. Ok call me obsessed but i have tons of pictures of nathan on my phone.

He swam to the edge of the pool and asks " are you coming in?", he smiled. I was embarrassed i blushed, he got out of the pool and headed to me i think i knew what was coming so i screamed. and he hushed me. "Oh love com'n the waters not that bad and its nothing i haven't seen before. Come on Lana please for me", he spoke and played with the hem of my skirt. "NATHAN Sykes don't do that to her", oh thank you Nareesha you saved me. "Let her go change", she hugged me we haven't seen each other in so long. (Lareesha moment thats what i call their friendship). She brought me inside to change, "i didn't bring anything Nareesha thank you for getting me out of that moment. he would have been sucking my face if it wasn't for you". "Oh no problem i have things for you i brought from your place. so don't worry everything will be fine, we'll sort this out." sort what out i really don't know what to say. "never mind ill explain it some other time", she went to her closet pull out almost all of my stuff. From my make up to my wardrobe she had everything from my room. She led me to a door down the hallway and she opened the door to reveal a bedroom. "this will be yours for the time being until you and nathan hook up. I have a feeling that will be very soon." Oh please really she brings up nathan and i know we are not going to be a 'thing' i swear. But something tells me that won't happen that we will be a 'thing' and i will be wrong. "Probably not, but thanks Naree". i call her naree because we're best friends and its a nickname i came up with for her. Its pretty special. "What makes you say that, bestie?' she said with a wink which made me roll my eyes. "Because i don't like him in that sort of way, so no its probably not going to turn out the way that you think". "Lana you are so difficult, give him a chance maybe he really likes you, but c'mon lets get changed to go swimming". I grabbed my brown bag from where i threw it because i was frustrated. i took out my phone to check if i had any new messages nope i didn't. I look out the window and I see Nathan still swimming. I grabbed a bikini and got ready for a good swimming. i stepped out on to the patio outside of the flat in the back by the pool. The stereo was blasting loud the song Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding from the Divergent movie its one of my favorites. It was getting dark and the pool lights came on. I turned around to the patio slide door that was glass but since it was dark it looked black i stared at my reflection. I took a deep breath and leaped up and backwards, my hands touched the pavement and my feet came around me i did a back handspring into the pool a back flip at the end and diving. "That was cool". "Oh thanks Nathan", i surfaced in the water. He swam to me with a smile. My birthmark was visible in the pool it looked like a tattoo. "Well thats just great my birthmark looks like a tattoo", i looked at the birthmark. "What if i told you that wasn't a birthmark maybe it is just a mark that was left there permanently", Nathan said trying to figure something out. What does he know about it? "I know because i'm the one that put it there", he whispered and his hands roamed up and down my body. I shivered. "Lana just give into me", he whispered in my ear.

ill update more

Ok hi guys its me again im sorry for not updating, with school ending soon i got a lot of projects anf finals to study for.

He locks his lips onto mine and he holds me in his arms. I pushed him away and stared at him wide-eyed. I ran, I bolted to my room. I locked the door went to shower and change into some fuzzy pajamas. turned out the lights and grabbed my earbuds and my phone. I tucked myself in and put my earbuds in my ears. Without me noticing, he sat beside me and I stared at him. "GET Out nath- " he puts his index finger on my lips parting them which made my breath hitched in my throat " ssshhh I only came to apologize about earlier "

I Found You (SERIOUS EDITING, COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin