Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Hello my name is Dr. Humor

It was him. I know it. He knows it. In fact, He knows that I know it was him, I thought as I drove to the hospital.

On my way to the hospital, I saw my step dad's car. Hub caps stolen all except one. The fourth hub cap, though not stolen, was ripped off and placed in the passenger seat with blood in it, like a bowl of blood. The rest of the car was smashed; windows, tailgate, and lights.

Though this may seem insignificant, It symbolizes a signature. Can you guess who's? It's my Fathers.

Stopping my melodramatic thoughts, A doctor walked into the waiting room after what.. 4 hours?

I had texted Oki and She said her, Rai, Eaton, Zachary, and Nicholas were dropping by here later. She also added that if I tried to stop her she would break my phone.

I turned my attention to the Doctor.

"Where is Sam Joel's family?"

I stood up along with my mom. I could tell she was scared. Her hands fidgeted by her side as she walked up to him. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

He smiled a grim yet happy smile which left me confused. "Follow me," he ordered.

We did as instructed and were led to an office.

"First off, I am Doctor Henry Humor."

"I am Leah, and this is Sam's step son, John."

"Nice to meet you, sir" I said.

We all just stared at each other for five minutes suspense building each second.

"Mrs. Joel I'm sorry but Sam...

will be in a cast."

"NO! No! Mom, I'm so-wait what? Are you kidding me? If he's fuckin fine, why the hell did we need to sit in a hospital waiting room for four hours!" I practically screamed.

"Well, John, your step father has one sick sense of humor."

My mom started having a laugh attack. "So where is Sam now?" I huffed.

"He is in our recovery wing awaiting visitors."


About an hour later, my friends showed up. After I told them what happened, they started laughing as well.

"I can see your face now John," Zachary choked out.

"It's not funny!" I claimed.

"Sure it isn't bro," Oki said hugging me, "Sure it isn't."

"Okay, well, now y'all know my step dad isn't in critical care. Do you want to go eat somewhere?"

Everyone chorused in with 'sounds good', 'yes' and 'IM STARVING!'

"How's Cheddars sound?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Okay,well, let's go!"

I saw Oki and Rai take off running towards the parking lot. I was glad they came.

I turned to my mom hugged her and told her were I was going.
"You going to be okay?" I asked her worried.
"Yes, honey. I'll be fine. I'm going to have lunch with Sam. You go have fun with your friends. We're very lucky."
I hugged her again.
"I know."
After we separated, I walked out with Zachary, Eaton and Nicholas.

As we walked out of the hospital doors laughing, we heard a scream that sounded awfully familiar.

"NOO! Stop! PLEASE!" I heard a shrill voice shrieking. Oki. That's Oki. My Oki!

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