Gamzee x Reader

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Sorry for the long wait guys but I hope you like it ^^


Today you were going to hang out with your Morail Gamzee. You haven't seen him for a while which was weird. He hasn't been at your house in over a week so you thought that you should check up on him. Just the thought of him probably being dead was scary, that green slime was really bad for him but it controlled his anger.

You started to pick up your pace to get to his hive quicker. You kinda forgot that he lives on a beach because his lucus was part fish.

After a few more minutes of speed walking to his hive you finally made it. You went up the stairs that lead to the front door. *Knock, Knock, Knock* you heard when you hit your fist into his door. "Gamzee its me, _____." You said. No answer came from the other side and now your worried. You knock again and said,"Gamzee come on I know your in there." Still no answer.

You went to knock again but the door magically flow open and all you hear from it was a creaking sound. It kinda scared you but you went in and closed the door behind you. "Gamzee come on this isn't funny." You said in a scared tone.

You went to see if he was on the couch but when you checked he wasn't there. You look straight down the hallway and headed to his room but when you were almost there you stepped on a pie tin on the floor. 'Hmmm this was freshly eaten.' You said in your head as you inspected it. This told you that he wasn't in his rampage state.

You continued down the hall when you meet up with his door and it looked different then before. The happy face on it had a sad face. You knocked on his door and waited for an answer but there wasn't one. Opening his door and walking in you continued your search. First you checked his respitblock but once you looked in there was no body there. You looked at the horn pile and clear as day still no Gamzee.

You grow more worried and looked everywhere until you heard a honk outside. You ran to the deck he had but hardly used and see him sitting on the beach. You run to him and slide on the sand right next to him. "GAMZEE MAKARA YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" You yelled at him. "Oh HeY sIs, WhAt BrInGs YoU hErE?" He said in his droopy smile he always had. "I came over to see if you were alright and when I knocked on your door you didn't answer. So I went in and the hive was empty and I got worried something bad happened to you until I heard a honk outside." You told him in one big breath.

"Why are you out here anyway?" You asked. "WaItInG fOr ThE oLd GoAt To CoMe BaCk." When he said that he looked back out to the ocean again. "hE hAs NoT bEeN mOThErFuCkInG cOmE bAcK iN a WeEk." You looked out into the distance of where the ocean was. You know Gamzee's lucus didn't accept him so he wasn't around a lot.

You turn to Gamzee and said," I don't think he is coming back today Gamz. We should get inside before it gets dark." You said with a weak smile. Gamzee looked at you and smiled back and got up. You got up and followed him to his hive and see him plopping on the couch. You felt bad for the situation he was in.

You went to the fridge and grabbed two Faygo's and sat down. "Here you go." Handing one to him. "ThAnKs SiS." "No Problem!" "So WhAt Do YoU mOtHeRfUcKiNg WaNt To Do?" "Hmmm we could watch a movie?" "ThAt SoUnDs GrEaT!" You went to your bag to look for the movie you brought. You thought if something went wrong here (which it did) you bring happy movies to make him happy again. You find your (favorite happy movie) and put in the DVD player.

You went back and sat next to Gamzee again. You played the movie and went to make popcorn or whatever the trolls could it. "Do you want anything while I'm up." You asked your Morail. "Na SiS, iM gOoD." He said and you went to do what you were doing. Once done you sat back in your spot, and just as you turned your head towards the TV in the corner of your eye you see him staring at you. 

You pretend you didn't notice and continue watching the movie. Half way through the movie you start to drift into a deep dark slumber. You lean towards Gamzee with out noticing. Your head was on his arm and you fall asleep.

Gamzee's POV:

'Well looks like she's out in a deep slumber. Gog she is so cute when she does that good thing I love her and good thing she doesn't know that I do.' I thought in my head. I looked at her again and kissed her head saying "HaVe A mOtHeRfuCkInG nIcE dReAm ______, I lOvE yOu." I said before I fell asleep as well.


O my glub I'm soooooooo sorry that this is late!!!!! Thinking of a story line for Gamzee was hard and how to end it! But I hope you like it either way. If you have any characters you want me to do next just leave a comment in the comment box thing!! No more to say so CHARLIE OUT :o).

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