Life is the best

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Piper p.o.v

The camper that we found bleeding just passed out after telling me and will what happened to him. "Should we tell Chiron?" I asked will thinking this was weird even for camp half blood. "Yeah. Yeah we should tell Chiron right away." Then will walked over to a Nico di Angelo and started talking to Nico about something. While will was talking to Nico I decided I'd go and get Chiron when all of a sudden my friend Victoria comes running towards me. "Hey piper.." she paused and had to catch her breath. "Leo... needs you, right now,...very... important." And with that last word Victoria fell on the ground panting hard. "" Victoria panted while pointing toward Leo's direction.

I took off running after Victoria said leo needs me, thinking he's in danger but I didn't exactly know where he was. Until I accidentally ran into the repair boy himself while trying to find him. "Ow! Hey watch were your goi- Oh beauty queen, it's you sorry about that." Leo said extending his hand to help me up. "Thanks repair boy." After I got up I noticed leo was holding a piece of paper behind his back. "So leo... Victoria said you needed me and that it was important." I said while trying to glance at the paper that leo was obviously trying to hide.

"Oh yeah, Victoria thought something was wrong, and just wouldn't listen." Leo said while trying to casually put the piece of paper into his pocket hoping I wouldn't notice.  "So Valdez, what's that paper your trying to hide..." After I said that leo start smiling and laughing as if we'd just shared a joke. I raised an eye at him but decided to trust Leo since he is my best friend. "Hey repair boy do you want to come with me to get Chiron? I need to ask him about that new kid, will said he wasn't stabbed by any monster and he's never been to either camp but he's obviously a demigod." as i told Leo this he nodded and we started walking to the big house.

(timeeeeee skip cause im lazy)

"I think your both right, it's weird even for camp half blood i'll talk to the boy when he wakes up. Now you both get ready for dinner." Chiron said while deep in thought. I thought if he was a demigod who is his parent? how has he never been attacked for so long? I had so many questions swirling in my head as we passed campers and hunters. Oh yeah i forgot to mention the hunters of artemis showed up a couple hours ago. "Hey beauty queen? Can i ask you a question?"

i was distracted with my thoughts for a second until i noticed Leo's voice was sad. so i smiled at him saying "Of course repair boy ask me anything." as i said that Leo looked a little pained with what he was about to say to me. "What did i do wrong? i mean with calypso?" i looked at Leo confused because as far as i knew him and calypso were really happy together, they didn't even argue. I guess Leo could see my confusion on my face cause he told me what happened.

" see...she left me a letter after we got into this big arguement and it said she cheated on me...i just wantd to know what i did to make her cheat on me." As Leo said that to me he was silently crying and i just wanted to hold him so bad and tell him what happened with me and Jason but i couldn't add more stress onto him and besides i got distracted after i saw Chiron rushing to the infirmary in his centar form.

Chiron POV

"Lord Chaos? what ar-" before i could finish he silenced me. "Sorry old friend. Yes it has been a while since we've talked but you have a special person in your infirmary who i'e been keeping an eye on since he was born. As you know i can see the future and...i was dreading this posssibility...i knew if he came to camp half blood it'd seal his fate and he wouldn't be able to escape it. I am proud...of my son, yes you heard right he is my son but i wanted him to live a normal life and be happy, so i sealed his powers away but if i give them back to him...his one most powerful power would kill him and anything in a 5 mile radious be it god or not..just teach him what you know and he can never know who his real father is..i'll make him an aries kid since he has fighting potential." i stood there quietly not saying a word because when Chaos appears it usually means trouble but before i could say a thing he disappeared as fast as he appeared. knowing what i know now i ran to the infirmary, something told me Chaos wouldn't let his only son die this quick.


Tyler POV

As i was waking up i felt better like i'd never gotten hurt at all. But that wasn't the weird part what was the weirdest thing i've seen in my life was a half horse half man standing infront of me. " Chiron camps director of activities and the person who's in charge. I hope you'll join me for a walk Tyler." Well he seemed nice but i was still curious how he knew my name.

(short time skip im sorryyyy im just lazy)

After chiron showed me around camp and explained to me what i was i sat down at the camps basketball court while most people were eating i was processing everything from the last 3 days. I didn't get to think for long when i noticed these buff guys being really mean to this girl who looked to be thirteen. "If you dumb males don't leave me alone right now i'll be forced t-" The girl didn't get to finish her sentence because on of the guys hit her. So me being the idiot i was ran to block them from her.

"Get out of our way retard or you can get beat too along side this stupid hunter" the biggest guy out of all five snarled. I couldn't help but start laughing because im used to dealing with bullies like him. "Or how about you just focus on me or i'll make you eat your teeth if you lay a finger on her."

they looked taken back by my sudden change of mood but they acted quick and hit me right square in the jaw. For a few minutes i was getting on jumped by these guys. I noticed the girl about to jump in with what looked like hunting knives but i pleaded with my eyes for her to let me handle this and for some reason she listened. "GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM OR I'LL SEND YOU ALL TO THE INFIRMARY." When i heard that voice i knew it was my doctor will. I couldn't help but laugh because i wasn't done just yet. They all switched their attention to the hunter.

Sadly neither were they, the guys instantly started hitting the girl and my doctor was chanting something in deep concentration, i grabbed his shoulder and gave him a look that told him i'v got this handled. by now people were gathering around by the commotion. "Hey weaklings im still standing you going to pick on a girl or are you going to fight a real fight!" i shouted and what i saw was red and blood but before i went down i took as many as i could with me.

Before i got knocked back to the grounnd i dodged the first guys punch and knocked him clean out, but while i did that one got me from behind and held me still, while the others beat the hell out of me. I honestly thought i might die but i looked at the girl and smiled she was ok nothing too bad happened to her and that's when chiron showed up. "STOP THIS INSTANCE OR YOU"LL BE ON KITCHEN DUTY FOR A YEAR!!!" after chiron shouted i blacked out but i saw that girl with brown choppy hair and a latino boy with curly hair rush up to me and asked chiron what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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