CHAPTER 89: Lunch Equals Pandemonium

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"But you studied in Paris when you were younger." Ichidou said, his eyes wide.

"Yeah. Kei had his elementary education in Paris as well. He witnessed our graduation and even handed each of us a bouquet of flowers." Tatsuya answered before narrowing his eyes at Ichidou. "Unlike a certain blockhead in here that didn't even bother sending a card to congratulate us."

"Hey, I apologized about that a thousand times already. You can sure hold grudges." Ichidou said, making a face.

"Wait a minute." Ryouko suddenly said. "What's this about an orchestra club?" She added with an amused smile, placing her eyes on Atobe who suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"He used to play the cello. Man, he was such a spectacle to watch. The instrument he's playing was twice his size." Tatsuya narrated.

"Senpai!" Atobe said in protest, feeling the embarrassment.

Ryouko looked even more amused. "Really?"

"Yep. He's such a small blighter when he was in grade school." Tetsuya laughed. "I'm quite surprised he grew this much." He added, hitting Atobe on the back again. At fifteen, the twins stood half a head taller than the Hyotei captain.

"Would you stop that please?" Atobe said in a half-annoyed tone.

Ryouko and Ichidou laughed. The twins seemed to be really close with Atobe. It was quite surprising since the both of them rarely befriend anyone outside the family circle. They make friends only to uphold the clan's image but those were not really personal friendships but more like formal ones. As the second-borns of the first family, they hold special positions in the clan and often substitutes Setsuna during his absence.

Ryouko turned her eyes at Atobe. "You didn't attend a tennis club when you were in grade school? I find that surprising."

Atobe shrugged. "I had private lessons. My father set a condition for me to be allowed to play tennis as much as I want and that is joining at least one club in school."

"Our academy specializes in Arts, Music and Sciences and there are no sports clubs." Tatsuya pointed out.

"Really?" Ichidou said.

"You good-for-nothing little brother. You don't even know what kind of school your older brothers attend?" Tetsuya snapped.

"Will you stop guilt-tripping me?" Ichidou snapped, folding his arms over his chest irritably.

The twins only snickered. "Aww. He's pissed off." They chorused.

Atobe looked at the time in his phone and sighed. "Well, are you going to join me for lunch or not?" He said, going back on track and shedding off the courtesy he showed earlier.

"Tsk. You're as impatient as ever." Tetsuya commented.

"Is that something that a gracious host would say to his guests?" Tatsuya added, taunting him.

"The guests should also play their role well for the host to remain being gracious. You're both so easily distracted, senpaitachi. It's not doing me any good." Atobe retorted.

"Ooh. Good one." Tatsuya said, wincing and holding his chest as if the comment hurt him.

Atobe led the Fujioka crowd outside the room, resuming his duty as the 'gracious host'. As they stepped out, the eavesdropping lot in the corridor pretended to go on their separate ways and parted to let them pass.

As Atobe went ahead, he threw a smug glance at Ryoma making the latter narrow his eyes. "Tch. What the heck is he so arrogant about?" Ryoma thought irritably. So what if Atobe Keigo have personal ties with a couple of the Fujioka cousins?

Tennis no Ojou-sama: A Prince of Tennis Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz