"Nothing. Thank you for finding him."

"Mac." Annalise raised a brow at the man. "My name's Mac."

"Oh...I'm Annalise." Annalise took Elliot's hand. "Thank you again, good-"

"Will I get to see you again?" Mac asked, making Annalise let out a squeak. "You're really pretty."

"Uh...bye!" Annalise glitched away.


"No. I'm done." Chase said into the phone. "I said I'm done."

"What is Chase doing?" Dark asked Anti, who was watching the man from down the hall.

"I think he's breaking up with Stacy." Anti answered in a soft tone, not wanting to give away his position.

"That would be called a divorce, Anti." Dark lowered his voice as well.

"Don't say that word in this house." Anti put a hand over Dark's mouth, yelping and snatching it back. "Did you just lick me?"

"You put your hand over my mouth." Dark stated.

"You yell at me when I do that." Anti pouted.

"That's because-"

"Because I'm sick of your shit, Stacy!" Chase's shout stopped Anti's and Dark's little argument. "I'm sick of you treating me like constant shit! I have stayed with you for almost twenty years, fifteen of those were only for the kids! I have told myself over and over again that I loved you. That you were the only for me, but I have realized that I don't love you. I pity you."

"Oh damn." Anti whispered.

"I did love you at first. I loved you when our kids were born. But I now know that love began to fade when you showed that you never loved me." Chase's voice was steady as he spoke. "You just needed a man in your life so your mother would leave you alone. You just wanted someone to be there for you and not have to worry about them. You're just a heartless bitch."

"Oh...I didn't know he had that in him." Dark muttered.

"Yes. I'm doing this over the phone. No. I don't care what you think." Chase hung up his phone. "Holy fuck..."

"Chase?" Marvin was now standing at the end of the room.

"Maybe we should go to the store or something." Dark looped his arm through Anti's.

"Shopping sounds good." Anti said and walked out with Dark.

"Hey, Marv." Chase greeted softly. Marvin silently went over the couch and sat down. "How much did you hear?"

"All of it." Marvin said.

"Sorry. The Septiceye name makes it hard to keep it down." Chase tried to chuckle, but it died off quickly. There was an awkward silence between them.

"You left her." Marvin finally spoke.

"She was just paperwork." Chase smile a little when Marvin weakly laughed.

"What about the kids?" Marvin asked.

"I have Dark on my side. I'm not worried about that." Chase took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll probably end up seeing them more than I do now."

"Good. I'm glad." Marvin picked at his fingers.

"About what happened last night. I'm sorry." Chase put his hat back on. "I shouldn't have done that. I just kind of got caught up in the moment."

"I'm not complaining."

"You were already emotional and I probably did help and-wait, what?" Chase looked at Marvin, who had slumped over in embarrassment.

"I said that I'm not complaining." Marvin said in a very soft voice.

"Oh." Chase tilted his head when Marvin laughed.

"Years, Chase. I've been waiting for years for a kiss from you." Marvin rubbed his arms. "Although, I imagined it in a better situation."

"I can do that." Marvin squeaked when Chase placed a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards him. "I can make it better." Chase said before leaning forward and pressing his lips against Marvin's. "Better?" He asked when they parted.

"Years." Marvin whispered. Chase chuckled and adjusted himself so he was fully facing Marvin. One hand went to the back of Marvin's head while the other went to Marvin's waist to help him turn as well while he gave Marvin a deeper kiss than before. "Y-Years." Marvin stuttered as Chase pushed him back and settled between his legs.

"Years." Chase agreed, going back in for another kiss. Marvin grabbed Chase's hat and threw it across the room. He gripped at Chase's hair and let out a shaky breath when he began to nip at his neck.

"Dad, I-are you serious!?" Annalise yelled when she glitched into the house.

"Oh, shit!" Chase cursed and fell off of the couch.

"H-Hey, Anna." Marvin greeted, slightly panting.

"Do you have to use the couch!? We have spare rooms!" Annalise huffed. "Come on, Elliot." Annalise lead, a very confused Elliot out of the room and to the kitchen. "I also called it!" She shouted.

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