Chapter 27

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Roxy's POV

I stood there stunned. He was an animagus?

"You gave me quite a fright you know, you are quite intimidating to a little dog" Uncle Sirius said and I snorted.

"Little? You were a huge dog!" I said and he had a look of fake hurt on his face

"Are you calling me fat?" He asked and I just laughed. We lapsed into silence and I took I his appearance. Not meaning to be harsh, but he looked terrible! Waxy, sunken skin and his eyes no longer held the look of a young man, they were the eyes of a man who had seen much suffering. He was extremely thin too, and unclean but I know he can't help that, what with being on the run.

"You're the opposite of fat Uncle Sirius" I told him, the Uncle bit slipped out and I mentally face palmed, Sirius just grinned.

"After all I've been accused of you still want to call me uncle?" He asked me, a little confused.

"Well I know you're innocent. I lived with Mother up until this Christmas and Pettigrew is her boyfriend so I know you're innocent." I told him. Uncle Sirius's face turned sour at the mention of Pettigrew. But then his expression turned to one of confusion.

"Why weren't you living with your Dad?" He asked, I just sighed and shook my head.

"That's a story for another time, but in the meantime we need to get you some food and a place to stay!" I said

"Food?" Uncle Sirius asked, his eyes lighting up at the thought of it. Typical, he sees his niece for the first time in years and he's more happy about getting food! I'm not jealous just, strange.

"Yeah food, and hopefully a shower." I said

"Well do you have your wand with you? They snapped mine when I went into Azkaban." Uncle Sirius said and I was a bit confused, I pulled out my wand and handed it to him, I hope he didn't change a lot in Azkaban, I didn't particularly want to get hexed at this moment in time. Instead he turned the wand to point at himself.

"Scourgify" He said and immediately all of the dirt and grime looked as if it was being vacuumed off his clothes and body. Well, at least he's clean now!

"I'll have to remember that one for when I want to clean my room!" I said and Uncle Sirius let out a bark like laugh.

"I'm going to get you some food from the kitchens, don't go anywhere!" I warned and I saw him nod before I sprinted back across the Quidditch pitch and into the school.

Fred and George told me about the portrait that led to the kitchens in my first year, which came in very handy for parties. I tickled the pear and the portrait swung open and about half a dozen house elves came rushing towards me.

"Mistress Roxy! What can Tilly do for you Miss?" Said a squeaky voice from behind me.

"Hey, Tilly! Please could I have a large hamper stuffed to the brim with some tasty food? But can you make it good that's doesn't go off quickly? It needs to last." I asked her and she scuttled off.

Within a minute, Tilly and two other house elves were back with a huge hamper full of breads, meats, cheeses and all sorts!

"We has put a spell on it, miss, to stop the food from rotting!" Tilly squeaked as I took the hamper off them.

"Thank you so much guys!" I exclaimed and they beamed up at me. They're all so sweet! I turned around and made my way up to the common room but not before rendering myself invisible.

I crept through the portrait hole, startling the fat lady, and crept up to my dorm to get a few blankets and things before heading back to Uncle Sirius. The great thing about this invisibility spell is that everything that I touch becomes invisible too, meaning that no one would see a floating hamper, blankets, pillows and other bits and bobs.

Then again, this is Hogwarts so they probably wouldn't bat an eyelid.

I raced down through the Quidditch pitch and found Uncle Sirius sitting in a clearing in the forest and I put the stuff down next to him and let go of it. He gave a start when the items appeared next to him and I made myself visible again and he gave me a weak smile.

"This lot is all for you, the food won't go off, the house elves made sure of that. there's a couple of blankets to sleep on and a duvet to sleep under, pillows and some clothes." I ticked off on my fingers.

"Thank you so much! But where did you get the clothes from?" He asked and I blushed a bit.

"Oh, well, I kinda went unto the boys dorm and duplicated some of Ron's clothes and made them a bit bigger. I remember seeing Hermione do it once. It took a couple of goes but it worked in the end" I told him and he looked impressed. I was a bit embarrassed about going into the boys dorm on my own because I wasn't invited in. I do have some modesty you know!

Uncle Sirius didn't see my embarrassment though, he was digging into the food.

"I'm gonna leave you here with all of that, I have to get back to school, see you around" I told him and I turned to walk away but he took me by surprise. He got up and hugged me, then drew back and put his hands on my shoulders

"You're now officially my favourite niece" He said with a grin and I smiled back.

"I'm also you're only niece!" I replied and he just waved a hand at me

"Pfft, details..." He said and I laughed. We said out goodbyes and I walked back up to the common room.

I swear my family gets bigger by the day.

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