Family Photos: Chapter 10

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Hey guys!

Sorry that's the chapters short nd not as well written as I would like it to be...

But I'm leaving for camp tomorrow so there would be no way I could upload for five days, so I needed to upload today and I had a ton of stuff to do before hand.

But, none the less, the chapter is written. :-)

So, please remember to vote, comment, and fan! :-)

Check out the picture of Griffin on the side! :-)


-Chapter 10-


                As I pulled up to the only cemetery in Forks, I spotted him. I found a spot to park my truck, and then I got out of the car- locking it behind me- and made my way to my beautiful mate sitting in front of two graves. As I observed him as I walked towards him, I noticed that his hand was tangled in the grass- as if to have something to hold onto. I quietly came up behind him, and then said, “Need any company?”

                Levi, appearing unfazed as I sat down beside him, stared at the two graves. “That could be nice.” He said softly.

                I looked at the gravestones, slowly reading them. I turned to Levi slowly, catching the pained look on his face. I slowly realized why he wanted no one to know where his sister and mother were.

                “Levi… I’m so sorry.” I said softly.

                “Don’t be- you didn’t even know them.” He said softly, and then I looked over at a spray painted line next to the two graves. Glancing over at me and seeing my confused expression, he looked back at the two graves and explained, “For another member of the family.”

                “Your father?” I asked quietly.

                Levi let out a bitter laugh, and then looked at me with a painful smile. “No, my father doesn’t deserve to be near my mother or my sister.”

                “So he isn’t dead?”

                “No- he divorced my mother when we were young. Last time I saw him was at their funeral. He told me it’d be best if I lived with my godmother, and I agreed. The man can burn in hell. He never wanted a gay son anyway.”

                “Who’s it for?”

                Levi looked down sadly for a brief moment, but then looked back at me indifferently. “Myself.”

                I, obviously looking shocked, listened Levi laugh that bitter laugh again.

                “Your only 17, Levi-“

                He turned to me with tears burning in his eyes, and his faced reflecting his heart ache back at me. “Fiona was only 16! She was my baby sister!” He yelled, looking frightened like a young child.

                I looked at him, and then used my arms to pull him into my chest. He curled up like a small child against me, and started to quietly weep.

                His sniffles ceased and his tears stopped after a few minutes, and he looked at the graves as I held him close. “Fiona had the most beautiful brown eyes…. She lite up the whole room with her smile, and every straight guy’s eyes were on her…” He paused for a second to chuckle then continued, “She was the most skilled dancer, and I remember how late she would stay up to get down just one dance move if it wasn’t perfect. She always would crawl into bed with me on nights she couldn’t stop thinking about a boy. She would tell me how cute and kind he was, and I would always listen. She was the first one I told I was gay- and she loved me and stayed with me the whole night after I told my dad and he threw a fit and packed his bags to stay at a hotel. That one night turned into weeks, and before I knew I broke up my parent’s marriage. My mom cried for weeks, but she never blamed it on me. She said the marriage was falling apart anyway- and nothing could have been done. That I was only my father’s excuse to leave her.”  His eyes rested on his mother’s grave.

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