A Place of Nightmares - Chapter 10 -Mrs Tweed.

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We continued to watch the stairs. The footfalls kept coming down. Then I saw it, a pale hand white as a corpse's hand holding onto the bannister. The nails were long, black and sharp.

"Aide, do you see her?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Does anyone else see her?' I asked.

There were murmurs of no until Macy said in a shaky little voice, "I see her." Corky started barking. He saw her too.

She came fully into view as she reached the bottom stairs. She was tall, wearing her cloak so her face was shrouded. She stopped at the foot of the stairs. Just stood there.

Then her head turned slowly in our direction, I still couldn't see her face. She glided into the hall and stood facing us. Corky stopped barking, but continued that low rumble in his throat.

She glided into the room and then pulled up just short of the salt line. A cry of exasperation issuing fourth.

"We call on our spirt guides, our ancestors, on God, Jesus and all the Saints. We bless this space with light, you may not cross into this circle." I intoned, letting her know we were serious, she wasn't going to hurt anyone this night.

She hissed at me and pointed to me. "No, you may not cross into this circle. You must find your path into the light. You cannot stay here. This is not your world anymore." I felt Aide pressing something small and cool into my palm. His bottle of Holy Water.

"In the name of Christ, in the name of Lord, we ask you to leave." I told her, again she hissed. I uncapped the bottle and began flinging the Holy Water at her. She didn't like that.

Mrs Tweed screamed in pain where the water hit her, again she marked me and let out an unearthly scream and her black shadow fled the room. The door slamming shut behind her.

"Is she gone?" Asked Maggie.

"For now she is." I replied.

"Guys, we have to find where she is buried." Said Aide suddenly.

"Why?" Asked Martin.

"The Holy Water weakened her, but Maya says this lady had serious leanings to the dark side. Maya also says, she is a direct descendant of the witch that used to live on this land. The witch was named Black Hannah. She was in league with Satan himself. She abducted and sacrificed children to appease him. Maya feels Mrs Tweed may have been up to the same things. If this is true, we need to find her bones, salt them and then set them on fire. Only then will her spirit be released. She's holding on very tight. She thinks of this place as hers."

"On my God!" Said Maggie, she looked terrified.

"What about Black Hannah?" I asked him, "Is she still around?"

"I don't want to scare anyone, but yes. She resides in the cellar. Maya says we need to call in a priest to seal the place up. We'd never find Hannah's bones, too long ago. But Mrs Tweed, we'd certainly find hers. Only a Vatican Seal can keep Hannah in."

I groaned inwardly, oh great. I loved dealing with the Vatican. - Not!

"Don't we need permission to exhume a body?" Asked Martin.

"Well yes, but under the circumstances, we might have to skirt around that. We want to destroy the remains. They won't give us permission for that. It'll be a clandestine operation I'm afraid." Answered Aide.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with that." Said Martin.

"Would you rather a visit from her each night?' Argued Maggie, and whimpers from the younger kids, the ghostly two included, ended the argument.

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