Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The last time we left off the Slytherins allowed the three hexers through the crowd back to the common room.

The two look alikes sat down simultaneously at once in Hexers corner once more with Blaise Zabini sitting beside Harry on his left side watching everyone look at her in awe, several boys winked at her making her blush. Flint raised his eyebrows up and down at her while Raven sniggered over the scene.

"Flint, you'll give her a complex stop," Raven grinned

Flint playfully sighed, "Alright, listen Raven, Potter, remember the first night here?" Flint enquired to the two

"Yes, why?" Harry asked seeing Flint nod at Etre in question when they both seen him grin nodding back in return.

"You'll have something this afternoon at lunchtime you two, we asked your father Raven to give it to you," Flint answered in low key after seeing Draco walk in with his two over weight goons heading out to the school grounds.

"Alright Flint thanks," Raven simply said

"We have to get going to Hogsmead you two, want us to bring you two anything back?" Flint asked them

"Uh..." "Sure Flint chocolate frogs, sugar mice, and...oh heck my favorite Flint," Raven grinned while Harry looked at her in surprise

"What?" She asked him "I only got a chance to try those and named them my favorite. They're your favorite too?" Harry asked grinning

"Yeah they are, Flint make that a double order of my favorites, well our favorites," Raven giggled

"You got it Lady Hex," Flint promised them leaving with Etre while the Hexers spoke to each other.

Great Hall Lunchtime

Harry, Raven, and Blaise sat down at the Slytherin table for lunch when Severus stopped behind Raven.

"Raven, I was told to give this envelope to you, I would like to know if this was your handiwork?" He questioned her letting her see the contents inside the envelope.

"Oh! Dad I assure you this was not my handiwork," Raven answered him truthfully

"Then whose? Mr. Potter perhaps?" He pressed

"No, Harry was with me the whole time dad, but I know who it was, and I'm not snitching them out," Raven answered once more

"I see, did Mr. Malfoy by chance anger the pranksters?"Severus enquired watching her sway slightly

"It depends on how angry they got," Raven answered

Flashback First night inside Hogwarts

After the Raven and Harry left the Slytherin Common room to return to their own house Flint along with Etre cornered Draco Malfoy holding their wands out at him.

"Get ready for that revenge Malfoy," Etre grinned evilly at the Platinum blonde boy

"N-now wait guys I was only funning with Snape on the traitor part, and Potty I mean Potter!" Draco shook in fear stammering

"That's alright Malfoy, We're only going to have fun here too, Greengrass get that camera ready when I say so," Flint cackled evilly

Draco whimpered shrinking while the rest of the Slytherins gathered around giggling over the sight watching with keen interest. Flint flexed his muscles getting ready

"Accio clothes!" Flint cried out sparks flying out of his wand swiftly.

Inch by inch Draco's clothes stripped away from his body excluding his black boxers. Flint yelled the word go just then as Maryanne Greengrass began snapping pictures while Draco began to try to cover his self in complete embarrassment hearing the rest of the Slytherins roar into laughter.

A/N: I told you there was more to come Mwahahaha!

End Flashback

Raven stood beside Severus holding the pictures waiting for a response

"Ahem, never mind Raven I think I know who they were, and whatever it was over I never seen these," Severus stated letting her sit back down to eat her lunch as he headed to the teachers tables.

Raven handed Harry the envelope, "From Flint and Etre Harry" Raven sniggered watching him look inside the envelope eyes going wide.

"Wholly cricket!" He exclaimed in shock before he cackled in laughter over the pictures

"Exactly Harry, Blaise those will be our first order of business for hexers corner, make the title to be compliments of Slytherin. Also above the title put the Hall Of Shame," Raven grinned just as Harry gave Blaise the envelope.

Blaise took one look and started giggling over the pictures. "As you wish Lady Hex," She cackled setting them aside.

Meanwhile at the teachers tables Severus kept his eyes on Quiroll suspiciously being unnoticed by the students as well as the professors until he looked over at Raven and Harry seeing them snigger quietly over the pictures. He shook his head containing a grin from being seen filling his plate in silence before an idea popped into his head going into deep thought, watching the two.

Dumbledore leaned his way slightly, "It couldn't hurt Severus, and I have been trying to decide whether or not to have a wizards dueling club here. With your experience you could teach these students how to defend theirselves quite remarkably," Dumbledore whispered with twinkling eyes

Severus gave him a swift glare, "I told you to stay out of my head you dirty old man, and what would I do having a wizards dueling club for these students..."

Severus turned his way swiftly, "On one condition old man, I want Mr. Potter and Raven to be my first students to see how it fares first," Severus replied

"I certainly would not decline your request Severus, However find a way to get them interested and they will be all yours," Dumbledore gleamed turning back to his own plate while Severus sat pondering a way to make the two interested into wizards duel.

Back at the Slytherin table Harry finished his lunch along with Raven and Blaise, getting up heading to the Gryffindor table where Fred and George Weasely sat.

"Hey you two, we heard from the Slytherin grapevine that you have a Miss Journal?" The Weasely twins asked in unison

"Yep!" Harry and Raven grinned at them when they seen Draco walk in with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Well look who decides to grace us with his presence," Harry commented watching Draco walk to the Slytherin table.

Fred and George noticed Draco's face, "Whoa! Look at the black eye!" Fred and George exclaimed in awe

"Remember he flew that day," Raven cackled

"Yeah never seen a Malfoy fly!" Harry Heckled

The Weasely twins pictured Draco flying out of the stands by a bludger, bursting into laughter.

"I wish I was there," They laughed

"Wood was, he actually enjoyed that scene," Raven giggled

They stood up to leave when Raven remembered something, "Guys we'll do that prank on Malfoy tomorrow, don't forget the ammunition," She reminded them

"No problem," They grinned seeing them leave the Great Hall.

Raven stepped outside the Great Hall with Harry, and Blaise when she heard cackling high above pulling them back swiftly. "Splash!"

"Got Firstie!" They heard Peeves cackle looking up

"Peeves!" they heard hearing Filch come their way, "Oh no! Filch is coming, come on Peeves we'll hide you," Raven promised as they took off running with Peeves right behind them.

Raven took them to one of her hiding places catching their breaths while Peeves floated down to them. "That was close, we certainly don't need Filchie try to blame us for that prank, Peeves nice one, you got Ron," Raven grinned evilly

"Got big carrot top! Whoopee!" Peeves cackled loudly, the hexers giggled at him.

"Oh man, you wasn't kidding," Harry laughed "I told you so, Peeves hates first years, except us of course," Raven sniggered

Blaise couldn't stop laughing from witnessing Ron getting drenched by Peeves.

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