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Maora could think of nothing else to do but follow the hoofprints in the dusty roads that led through Quiryl.

It drew a lot of attention; the girl covered in dirt and blood dragging a man down the road. A man who also left a trail of wet, fresh blood behind him. Odd looks and mothers covering their children's eyes; it all happened as she struggled with the weight.

The hoofprint track finally ended, and Maora looked up to find the stables. She found herself looking around for Ryker, but shook her head, banishing the thoughts as a man rushed out of the stables.

He was tiny, with a big nose and eyes set too close together. A straggly beard hung off his chin, and she watched as he, without a word, started to support Arrows weight with her and drag him into what must've been a tack room.

The man was thumbling around with medical supplies, until he paused and snapped his head up to look up at Maora.

He smiled, showing a set of yellow teeth. "A girl with golden hair." he mused, looking back down at Atlas as he started to tend to the wounds. She watched as he reached to push Arrow's hood back, but his hand stopped mid way. Instead, he pushed the cloak around his torso to the side and cut down the middle of the shirt. His skin was covered in scars and bruises, fresh and old, and the little man began to clean the freshest out immediately.

"Evander?" she suddenly asked.

"That would be me, yes." the man replied, not looking up. "The grey. It is not going to be cheap. Arrow asked for two horses to fulfill the favour." Evander's brown eyes locked onto hers. "The grey will not be one of them." He looked to the door as Atlas came through it, a sad look in his eyes.

Arrow spoke up, surprising them all. "Then be it the grey for the favour. I'll buy the other."

Evander seemed to weigh out the choices as he applied more disinfectant to the last of the wounds and stitched it up. Maora was amazed at Arrow; how he hadn't flinched even once.

"Fine. You, boy, go pick out a horse." Evander moved onto the arm Maora thought was broken, and tsked. "Dislocated. Only the third time these last two months." he popped it back into place, and Arrow groaned as the pain registered.

"RYKER." Evander suddenly shouted, and the boy appeared in the doorway, a smoldering look on his face. Evander pointed at Atlas. "Show him the horses. Take the girl with you."

As they turned to leave, Evander called out again. "And take the grey off the sell list. He has an owner."

They entered the back of the stables. It was much quieter here than the stalls by the road, and Maora new immediatly that this was where Vulcan would be. She made a mental note that little things probably bothered him.

She saw Pollux first, and couldn't help but smile as she walked over to him, running her hand up and down his muzzle as Pollux pricked his ears at her. "Hey Pollux." she whispered, scratching behind his ears and moving on to follow the boys.

"How do you know that horse?" Atlas asked, looking at her.

"I met Ryker and Pollux on the trail." she told him, not caring to look at him. A stiff nod from Atlas showed he'd heard as he sauntered off to look at the horses around, leaving Ryker and Maora standing by Vulcan who whinnied softly as he saw her, nuzzling her hands.

"I see you didn't lie about everything, then. Is that your friend?" he asked.

"Atlas? Yeah." She paused, letting her hands drop from where they messed with Vulcan's mane. "Ryker, I'm sorry. Truly."

"Can I really believe you, though? Are your apologies even sincere?"

"I wouldn't say sorry if I wasn't." she whispered, going back to running her hands along Vulcans neck.

"Okay." he sighed. "I believe you."

The words made her smile.

"This one." Atlas said, his voice raised as he called over to them. A sweet looking bay horse had its head over the stall door, and Ryker ran off to find Evander so he could get payment and tack sorted.

Evander soon appeared, coming over to stand by Atlas. "I'll give you it for half. 3000 gold coins." he told him, watching as Atlas thumbled through his bag and placed a bag of coins in Evander's withered hand.

"Keep the change." he told him, and Evander nodded, speaking as he turned around. "Come with me. We'll get their tack and then you can all be out of here. Arrow is fit to go."

Thundering of feet suddenly sounded, and Ryker appeared in their view, breathing heavy. "He's dead. There's a dagger sticking out his neck." Ryker sputtered, Maora racing past him and into the tack room.

It was true; a simple dagger was embedded in Arrow's throat. A trickle of the sickly red blood dribbled down the side of the table he lay on, pooling on the floor. Hands shaking, she reversed out the door into Evander, whos face was grave.

"It is not safe here. Ryker, there's no need to hide it from them anymore. Take them to the Citadel. Get Pollux, Tansy, and Vulcan tacked up."

"Tansy?" asked Atlas as Ryker grabbed two saddles and bridles, pointing at another set to indicate it was Vulcan's, Maora grabbing it soon after.

"Arrow's black mare. She belongs to Ella now, so you must take her back. Ella will probably let you keep her, anyway." the gold coins were hastily shoved back into Atlas' hands. "Take it. And leave, as soon as you can."

When Atlas was back in the stables, Ryker had Pollux and Tansy in either hand. Atlas took little time to admire the beautiful jet black mare that stood before him as he shoved his foot in the stirrup and swung into the saddle, crouching low over her neck as the roof was so low.

Ryker followed suit, his nervous aura making Pollux prance on the spot. Tansy was surprisingly calm, stood almost stock still with one ear pricked. The other was back, as if she knew something was wrong.

"Maora..." Ryker warned in a low voice.

He looked into Vulcan's stall. Maora was hastily attaching the saddle bags she'd bought, fastening the clips. Kicking the door with her foot and making it swing open, Vulcan burst into a canter out the stall.

"Go, go, go!" Maora called, holding onto the leather reins and running along side the cantering horse as they neared the exit.

Ryker and Atlas crouched low over their horses necks, digging their heels into their sides and making the horses burst forward, feet clattering on the cobbled floor.

As the three burst into the sunlight, Maora planted two feet on the ground and swung her legs round, landing in the saddle and slipping her feet in the stirrups. Screams of surprise as three huge horses galloped through Quiryl's town square erupted as people leaped out the way, not wanting to cross paths with the thundering hooves.

Ryker lead the way, Maora and Atlas behind him as a pair.

"It's not safe anywhere." Ryker called over his shoulder as Pollux followed the path, soon splitting off into one that seemed less used. It was like the horse knew exactly where he was going. "I've lived in the Citadel for most of what I can remember. I take care of the horses there." Maora shared a glance with Atlas. "I'll take you there now. We need to get there before sundown, otherwise we're all in trouble."

Ryker grinned as he faced forward.

He knew exactly who had plunged that dagger into Arrow's neck.

CloakedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora