Shy Love (Sam)

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As you laid on the couch in the study, you were reading through different files the men if letters had collected. You always took new chances to know more about different monsters that you had never heard of.

You had only been hunting with brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, for a month because your parents were killed by an angel. You didn't even know monsters like this existed but they were and you were learning to hunt them. You knew how to shoot a gun because your father had taught you. Your dad was a police officer and he taught you to make sure you knew how to defend yourself.

Sam and Dean walked in the study, not knowing you were laying on the couch. Sam had walked straight to the bookshelf, not looking around.

"I'm going to get some food," dean said to Sam, as Sam just simply nodded.

You cleared your throat, making Sam jump and spin around. "Hey Sammy," you giggled at his reaction.

"Jesus (y/n)! don't scare me," Sam said as he walked over to you with a book in his hand.

You lifted up your legs and Sam sat beside you, and you put your legs on his lap. You knew Sam liked you, and you liked him back, but he didn't know that.

"Whatcha got Sammy," you said as you batted your eyes at him.

"I, er, um, I was just reading cause I, um, I got a little bored," he stuttered.

You smiled at him and looked back down at the case files.

"Um, (y/n)? can I ask you something?"

"Sure Sammy," you sat up, crossing your legs facing him.

"I, um, I really like you," he said as he started shifting uncomfortable in his seat. "I mean I really really like you and I wanna, I wanna take you out."

You looked at Sam, surprised he finally asked you.

"It's, it's okay if you don't feel the same way," he said rubbing his hands on his legs and looking down.

You sat the case files and the book on the table and crawled into his lap, lifting his chin, " I would love to go on a date with you Sammy," you smiled.

Sam looked down and blushed a little. You giggle and lifted his chin, placing a sweet gentle kiss on his lips.

Sam, caught by surprise, moves his his hand on your cheeks, pulling you closer. The both of you sat like that, for what seems like hours. You had moved so your head was on Sam's lap and he was looking through the book again and you were looking at the files. You knew this was the start of a happiness you haven't felt since before your parents passed.

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