Chapter 3

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Shay drove me home. We talked some more about the wedding. Then she looked at me as we pulled into my driveway.

“Do you ever see yourself getting married?” She asked.

I swallowed. “Honestly right now no.”

“Not even to Lance?” Shay asked.

“No. He's wonderful but not someone I can see myself marrying.” I said.

“You two have been together forever though.” Shay said.

“I know but the only person I want to marry doesn't even know I…..” I cut myself off.

Shay's phone was ringing. She answered it. Meanwhile I got out of the truck and headed inside.  The only person I want to marry is you Shay  I said softly as I shut the door. I placed my keys on the counter. I poured a drink as I heard the front door open.

“You just gonna leave me sit out there?” Shay asked.

I laughed. “No you were on the phone. I figured it was Lacey and wanted to give you privacy.”

“Hmmmm.” Shay smiled. “I guess I could go home and not cook you dinner.”

“Don't you have to get home to your soon to be wife.” I said sarcastically.

“Are you jealous?” Shay raised her eyebrows.

“Jealous of what?” I laughed.

“That I'm getting married?” Shay said.

“No I'm not jealous of that.” I said.

“So you are jealous of something.” Shay stated.

“I'm not answering that.” I said.

Shay stepped closer to me. “I could always tickle it out of you.”

“You wouldn't dare!” I looked for ways to go around her.

“Try me!” Shay stepped closer.

“No.” I put my hands up to surrender.

“Then tell me?” She smiled.

I shook my head and embraced myself as she pulled me into her arms tickling me. I laughed and tried to pull away but she was too strong.

“Tell me.” She whispered in my ear.

I stopped laughing. My heart raced. Just then the door opened and Lance walked in. Shay pulled away from me and I stood up trying to hide the red on my face as Shay took a seat.

“Oh hey Shay.” Lance smiled.

“Hey Bass.” Shay laughed.

“Come up with something better.” He laughed back. He came over and wrapped his arms around me.

I watched as Shay turned away. Was she jealous?

“So instead of going out this weekend Drake needs me to head out tonight so I hope that's okay.” Lance said as he gave me a kiss.

“It's fine.” I said.

“Maybe Shay could keep you company so your not alone?” Lance suggested.

Shay's head perked around and she smiled. “Of course I wouldn't mind.”

“What about Lacey?” I asked. “I don't want to keep you from her.”

“Really it's not a problem.” Shay smiled.

More time with her. I couldn't disagree there. “Alright but I don't want her mad.” I said softly.

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