Cute Little Cat-Narry-(Drabble)

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Niall made sure there was nobody in the flat. When he was sure he let his ears pop out and his tail free.

"Ahh" Niall scratch his ear as he leaned back, sinking further into the couch. He purred in content.

"Hey Niall- Wait are those cat ears?" Harry barge in, Niall let out a yell out of surprise. Harry walked closer to Niall and felt his ears.

"They feel real," Harry mumbled. He scratch behind Niall's ears. He purred and leaned into Harry's touch.

"So, when were you going to tell me you're a cat?" Niall mumbled something that Harry couldn't catch.

"What was that?" Harry asked him.

"Febtoberaury" Niall said, hoping Harry would believe him.

"Febtoberaury?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Niall. Niall just nodded.

"You look cute with cat ears. " Harry said out loud causing Niall to blush.

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