Chapter 5

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Sorry if you don't like this song but my older brother liked this song. So I'm making this chapter for you. I miss you Logan. ♥️

A mans holding another man to a wall. "Tell me where Elena Gilbert is, about this I turn you into a hybrid if you telll where my little blood bag is." Says a man. "F-fine there's rumors that she's pregnant and she moved from Mystic falls to California." Says the scared man. "I help you achieve this Elena Gilbert but than... than you turn me into a hybrid." Says the man. "Deal, can you tell me who's child is she pregnant with, this might lead to my advantage." He says with a glint of evil. "Nick stop playing with the man and head on out to California." Says a blonde. "Fine, sister but you watch him." Nick says. The blonde sarcastically salutes.

'Mean while at Kathrine and Elena's Place.'

Elena's POV

I start thinking something hard, than I heard Kathrine ask "What you thinking about so seriously." "I feel like something bad is going to happen but I can't put my tongue on it." "It's probably just because of your pregnancy." I let go of my concern. "Yah your right."

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