Eight••Travels and Meetings

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Early the next morning, and after a quick breakfast, Quincy drove Melaynia home.

"I love you, Mel." He parked before her house, for the final time. "Be brave and remember the service you're doing for the world. I'll see you tomorrow at the Ceremony." Sunlight reflected in his sparkling eyes, and Melaynia had to turn away to hold in her tears.

Don't cry—his last image of you should be positive.

"I love you too, Quinn," she said, after a deep breath, "and thank you for all you've taught me. I... hope to meet you again someday."

They hugged—a tight embrace neither wanted to escape from—and Melaynia descended without turning around. She wouldn't watch Quincy leave.

She stared at her house, its old but sturdy foundations, the warmth basking it in a comfortable glow.

Her parents greeted her inside, smiling through their obvious distress. "Our special carriage should be here any moment," said Tomus, watching her.

Does he know what my departing gift to Quincy was?

Her cheeks reddened at the memory and she hurried to change to and do a last walkthrough of her home.


A large, covered crystal carriage pulled up in front of the house.

The Last Transportation. The same we had for Valnia.

This vehicle had special speeds that would transport them to Monster Island in record time, dropping them off at the fanciest hotel, and would return her parents to Jorco after the Ceremony. A courtesy for the family of the Sacrificed One.

The carriage adjusted to accommodate however many household members came along, and as Melaynia scanned its blue and purple body, blindingly bright, she recalled what came after their arrival—an upscale dinner at a luxurious restaurant, and private suites to spend ultimate moments together.

She pressed her fingertips to the wall by the front door, then kissed the spot. The brick was hot against her lips, but she grinned at the sensation. She'd miss the overwhelming heat—surely death would be cold.

Beside her mother, Melaynia settled inside the carriage as it took off. They held hands the whole way, admiring the outdoors during the quick and bumpy ride. A few times she dozed off, having not slept much the night before. When awake, she peered at the landscapes, wishing she were authorized to bring her sketching supplies.

They wouldn't let me take anything but a change of clothes.

After her final nap, she woke to discover they were exiting the Big Transportation Bridge leading to Monster Island. "Could we... pass by the Library, by chance?" The driver, an elderly man—possibly the same as when they took Valnia to her Ceremony—peeked at her father up in the front seat. "I... just want to see it again."

When Tomus acquiesced, the chauffeur slowed his speed and directed them to the right.

"Mom, Dad... visit this place later, okay? I'm sure you've been before, during your Level Five years, but... go again, as a favor to me. The Farming and Gardening floor was huge, and I bet they added new techniques." Valeyria squeezed her hand; Tomus smiled. "Please?"

They agreed, and soon they passed the massive two-part building, slow enough for Melaynia to capture it to memory.

Maybe in her life after death, if that existed, she'd draw it.


They rolled up to the tallest edifice of the Island, the Monster Luxury Hotel. Sparkling windows plastered its front, and it was so high up the roof was invisible. But its grandeur didn't impress Melaynia—she'd been there once before and didn't revel in the prospect of being there again.

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