The sign of three

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It had been a few weeks since I arrived back from my trip to NYC I enjoyed it very much. That Moriarty person is dead. Or maybe he's not, I mean Sherlock faked his death why couldn't Moriarty. Yes a lot went on whilst I was away but anyway John met someone called Mary whilst Sherlock was 'dead' and then got mad when Sherlock came back blah, blah, blah.

Today was John and Mary's wedding day. Daddy didn't want to go I think it hurt to much. Him and Mummy got married I can see why it would be hard for him to go. I wanted to go though, Daddy said he would drop me off at the wedding but wouldn't come.

I ate my breakfast, pop tarts of course, then I ran upstairs and got dressed into a pretty dress Daddy had bought me.

I came downstairs ready to go. "You look beautiful Annabelle" Daddy smiled. "Thank you Daddy" I hugged him. "Come one lets go" we got into the car and drove to the venue. "Be good dear" he tells me as I hop out of the car. "I will" I say. "Send my regards to John and Mary" he tells me "I will" I smile shutting the door. "Hello Annabelle" Sherlock greets "Hello" I smile. I sit down the wedding is about to begin. I get to be a flower girl.

{skip wedding}

After the wedding there is an after party at a different place when we arrive the page boy comes up to me "Hi I'm Archie" he says "Annabelle" I put my hand out to shake his and he shakes my hand.

I see John, Mary and Sherlock. "John, Mary congratulations on getting married my father sends his regards to you both. "Hello Uncle" I greet Sherlock. "Oh hello spoiled child" He jokes "I'm not spoiled" I roll my eyes and walk back over to Archie. "Do you know Sherlock?" He asks me
"yeah, he's my uncle"
"Wow really that's Awsome I wished I had an uncle that cool, Sherlock's going to show me pictures of beheadings"

Ok, I'm now slightly worried. Soon we have to take our seats. Sherlock gives a funny speech about John. Poor Sherlock, the speech had its ups and downs I'd say.

Soon enough after boring wedding-ness (no wonder Daddy didn't want to come) there is some excitement. A murderer is in the building. Sherlock, John and Mary go to find the killer and the soon to be victim. Johns ex-army commander.

Maybe weddings aren't so boring perhaps all weddings are this exciting. After Sherlock very long speech we dance. I feel so tired so Sherlock takes me home early.

"Mary's pregnant" I mumble as Sherlock carries me out. "I know I told them" he smirks feeling proud of himself for noticing.

A/N Another short chapter so so sorry

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