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The rain was coming down heavy again but I kept running. although Thomas had tried to persuade me into staying inside pack territory, I could not. the familiar scents of my pack members brought me nothing but despair, I needed an out... out of the nightmare that was my home. MY home I mused all the while stubbornly trudging on through the large puddles that had formed all over this foreign woodland. It had barely felt like home for the past week or so. Lina Had taken up residence in her room, only coming out when she knew I wasn't around or when I was coped up in my study sifting through the stacks of paperwork. I knew Blair was there with her, she'd been nursing him the first two days, I knew, the rest, he'd just been there.

They'd had sex too... every other night at least, and I knew they did it to spite me, however I could and would not give them the satisfaction. It had hurt, the first time I'd heard them, a strange tightness had formed in my stomach, unbearable for a few seconds, then dissipating into a dull knot. I didn't do anything about them though, somehow I could not. And so they remained.

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