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World's End Gate was as forbidding a door as Reyn had ever seen. The spellwrought stone edifice was at least twenty paces high and nine thick, covered in carved script in the calligraphic characters of the Tongue of Jade, and lit by glowing red torches that appeared to be neither gaslight or etherlight.

Just reaching the gateway had required traveling a league over an ancient highway carved into the slope of the Li Lung Mountains, then by torchlight through a broad passage tunneling at a downward grade through the stone. The gate itself sat at the tunnel's far end, near to where the sunlight from the other side became visible.

Riding in near complete darkness through the tunnel, Reyn had almost felt as if she were descending into Hell rather than a foreign empire. Seeing natural light ahead helped push those irrational fears aside.

High atop the gateway, from a gatehouse roofed in clay tiles, soldiers in pale brown coats and billed caps called down to the Espallans in the Tongue of Jade. Reyn could see little of them in the red torchlight, but she believed the men were unarmored. Strange for guardsmen. Additionally, they carried weapons that must have been a sort of spear. The hafts were irregularly shaped, and there were iron fixtures along the weapons' length that Reyn couldn't identify a purpose for.

Once Ku Ji Min made herself known to the guards, they wasted no time to calling down to others below. Within moments, the massive doorway of World's End Gate swung outward to allow entry into the Jade Empire.

Ji Min dismounted from her camel and went immediately to Hagen, who leapt from his mount to receive her. The executor clasped a fist in her other hand and bowed over it to him, then after a moment's hesitation, launched herself forward to wrap her arms around Hagen's neck.

What Espallese Reyn picked up over the journey wasn't equal to translating the words they exchanged. She could only understand one out of ten words said, but the final ones were clear if just from the manner in which they were spoken.

"Goodbye, Hagen."

"Sun's blessings follow you, imé. Until we meet again."

Ji Min then accepted the farewells of the other three hallah'ha. That which she gave to Lita of the Harkh'alash was, if anything, more tearful and heartfelt than the one she'd given Hagen. The embrace they shared lingered a little longer than one between mere colleagues. Reyn raised an eyebrow at that and had no further question as to why Lita and Ji Min were rarely seen without the other present.

"Guess they're not coming in with us," Josy observed from Reyn's side.

Reyn nodded. "From what I gather, the Espallans consider themselves unworthy of passing through the gate and refuse all invitations to enter."

Josy pursed her lips and got off her camel. "That means we're walking from here on in."

"I suppose so," Reyn agreed. She called for the Aleesh delegation to follow suit. Once supplies and belongings were transferred from saddlebags to packs, a few of the armsmen saw to returning the camels to the Espallans.

Reyn bade Lazza farewell, and the camel was reluctant to be pulled away. Sighing, Reyn stroked the dratted slobber monster's face. "I think we have tormented one another quite long enough, do you not agree?"

Lazza crooned one of her guttural noises. It had a mournful quality.

Reyn smiled and giggled. "Gods, but I cannot stay angry at that face. Farewell, my lady. Provide your masters with as many calves as you are able."

A sniff behind Reyn drew her attention. She turned from petting Lazza one last time and found Mistress Hana standing at her back. The formidable steward managed to wear her Espallan attire as if she were more comfortable in it than she'd ever been in livery.

Mage Slayer: Book Four of the Empress SagaWhere stories live. Discover now