19. Out And About

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" He starts yelling.

"I-Its okay." I say while trying to calm down. "Now you know." I smile weakly.

"C'mon, let me take you somewhere else.." He helped me up and we got dressed again.

"I'm really sorry." He says worriedly.

"Its fine babe." I reassure him.

We arrive at a bakery, but not just any old bakery. It's the bakery that Harry worked at. "Barbara!" He yelled.

"Harry!" A small old lady walked out of a back room. She enveloped Harry in a hug and smiled.

"Diandra, she used to pinch my bum when I worked here." He said, his arm still around the woman. I chuckled.

"Yes I did." She smiled at me, before pinching his bum again. He giggled and jumped away from her. I smiled politely and sat at one of the tables. He walked behind the counter and pulled out two muffins and made two cups of hot chocolate. He paid the cashier and hugged the ladies.

We walked out back to the car and sat down. He handed me my hot chocolate and muffin. We ate in silence and the car started once again.

"Baby, I'm really sorry. I feel horrible. If I knew you couldn't swim, I wouldn't have pulled you into the pool." He says quietly.

"Its fine, I forgive you." I smiled, grabbing his free hand in mine.

He smiled and squeezed my hand in return. We drove for a few more minutes and we arrived back at his home. We walked in and Anne and Robin were sitting on the couch.

"Afternoon Mr and Mrs Twist." I greeted. They looked at Haz and I and smiled.

"Hello, Diandra. But please, call us Anne and Robin." I blushed.

"Sorry its a habit." I walked up to the bedroom and got my iPad out. I sat in the corner of the room. I switched my Cellular Data on and switched FaceTime on. I clicked on my mom's email address and waited for her to answer.

"Hello angel, how are you?" She asked, smiling.

"I'm good, and you? I miss you."

"I miss you too. I see your black eye is disappearing. How's England?"

I chuckled. "Its cold. But its nice. Harry's parents are really nice and his sister is great too. He showed me around his hometown. Its similar to ours. Its beautiful, really."

"That's good. How do you feel about him?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I've said this a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand more. I love him, mom. Its true. He's my one and only. He treats me better than I could've ever imagined. He's my Romeo. I just hope that I'm his Juliet." I smiled.

"I see in his eyes that he truly loves you. When you were unconscious, he was a wreck. He cried non-stop and wouldn't sleep or eat until you woke up. He felt like it was his fault. But he loves you, angel."

"I know. I love you and I miss you. I'll text ya later." I blew a kiss and ended the call. I looked up and saw Harry leaning against the door frame. I blushed and set my iPad down. I walked over to him and he picked me up so that I could wrap my legs around his hips.

"How much did you hear?" I asked.

"I walked in when you started the call."

"That's embarrassing.."

"Oh and Jelly Baby?"

I looked at him expectantly.

"You are my Juliet." And with that he kissed me softly. It wasn't a passionate and heated kiss, but more of a loving and caring one. My one hand tangled itself in his curls and the other flew to his cheek. I moved my hand down and pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck and he let out a deep moan. I smirked and blushed. I pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder. He hugged me tighter and let me go.

We walked down the stairs and Anne was in the kitchen.

"Anne, could I cook you a South African dish tonight?"

She looked shocked. "You can cook?"

I smiled. "Course I can, growing up in a Portuguese and Italian family forces you to learn." I chuckled.

"Only if you're up to it, of course." I nodded and she went back to the lounge. I took out a large pot and filled it with water. I put some potatoes in it and left it to boil. I pulled some corn out of the fridge and put them in with the potatoes. I took the chicken fillet that Anne had left out and cut it in halves. I got the spinach and cheese and put them into a blender and added some water, salt and pepper. I stuffed the chicken with the spinach mixture and pierced them with toothpicks so they don't fall apart. I sprinkled them in bread crumbs and put them in the oven to bake. I took the potatoes out , along with the corn and put them in a dish. The chicken was finally done and Harry helped me set the table.

"Dinner's ready." I walked out of the kitchen.

"It smells absolutely delicious, love." Anne smiled.

"I don't know how it'll taste but..." I sighed.

We all sat down and began eating. When we finished, the other four people stared at me in amazement.

"Um.. Do I have something on my face?" I asked nervously.

"You are an amazing cook, babe!" Harry yelled, while grinning like a Chesire Cat.

"It was absolutely delicious, sweetheart." Anne smiled.

"I wish there were seconds." Robin winked.

"Awesome." Gemma nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled. I collected the dishes and took them to the sink and rinsed them. I heard hushed voices so I put my ear to the door.

"She's a keeper, little brother." Gemma whispered.

"I like her. Kind, polite, humble, funny and an amazing cook." Robin added.

"She's a darling. I can see why you love her so much. Don't let her go." Anne concluded.

I decided to walk back in and they all flew back into their chairs, acting like nothing happened. I sat down and Harry grabbed my hand. He interlocked our fingers and rubbed his thumb in circles on my palm. Gemma excused herself and said she was going to a party, then Anne and Robin went to go watch the latest Julia Roberts movie. That left me and Harry.

We changed out of our daywear into more comfortable clothing. Sweats and a tank, what else?

We went to the lounge and decided to play FIFA on his XBox. It was really fun and I won 2 of the 3 games. He pouted and crossed his arms around his chest.

"Don't be a sore loser baby." I teased.

He ignored me, a small smile growing on his face.

"How about I do this?" I climbed onto his lap and kissed along his jawline. His breath hitched and I smirked.

"Better?" I cooed. He nodded and smiled, his dimples popping out. We switched back to TV and decided to watch 2012. It was creepy and totally unrealistic. When it finished, I was half asleep in Harry's arms, and so was he. The couch was big enough for us to sleep on, and we were already in sweats and tanks. We got comfortable and I pulled the blanket off the edge of the couch and threw it over us. He nuzzled his face into my hair and kissed me gently, his arms around my waist. I soon heard quiet snores coming out of his mouth and I soon followed, going into a dreamless sleep.

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