1. Plans

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Hey guys. This story is co-written by Louis-Harry4Eva1D. She will write Louis' and Tyla's POVs, and I will write Harry's and Diandra's. Enjoy :D

PS : Diandra is pronounced with the 'i' sounding like an 'e'. So its basically pronounced 'Deandra.'

Harry's POV

Never listen to anything the media says about me. I'm not a heartless guy that moves on from girl to girl, tossing them away like gum wrappers. I just haven't found the girl that keeps me interested. Therefore, I stay single. But I hated it. I just want someone to call my own and to come home to everyday. My parent's had just gotten married, and I couldn't be happier for them. But seeing them happy and in love made the hole in my heart grow bigger.

Being bored at the beginning of our 3 and a half month break was uncommon for me. The boys happened to be at my house, and we were searching the internet for random videos to watch.

"Search for covers of Little Things." Louis said.

I typed it into the search bar and a video of three girls came up. Clicking play, we waited for it to load. After 3 minutes, it was ready to watch.

I was absolutely blown away. They were excellent. One particular girl caught my eye though. She had cinnamon red hair, huge dark caramel eyes with a dark ring around them, full pink lips and from what I could tell, curves in all the right places. She wore a permanent smirk and had the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. Her name was Diandra, and she acted quite cheeky. Her two friends were Tyla and Lee.

The video was over and we each did our own thing in my living room. This girl that I barely even knew, was rushing through my mind like a speed train. Using my trusty friend Twitter, I searched for Diandra and got only one result. It was her. I followed her and sent a DM.

@Harry_Styles : Hiiii, I watched your video on Youtube. It was brilliant .xx

I waited about a minute before I got a reply.

@Hey_Its_Andrix : Wow I really didn't expect you to follow me. And thank you :D

@Harry_Styles : Only a pleasure. So where do you live?

@Hey_Its_Andrix : South Africa. Johannesburg to be exact.

@Harry_Styles : We've always wanted to come to South Africa. It seems beautiful. How old are you?

@Hey_Its_Andrix : It really is. I'm 16, turning 17.

Well she was in my age range.

@Harry_Styles : Which high school do you go to?

@Hey_Its_Andrix : Chesterwood High. Its private.

@Harry_Styles : You're not a snob, are you? ;)

@Hey_Its_Andrix : Me? A snob? Never ;). I actually go there on an Academic scholarship. I'm an honors student.

At least she was smart and would be able to keep a conversation. She was quite funny too. My other "girlfriends" were as dumb and boring as shit.

@Harry_Styles : Well you seem like a brilliant person. It was really nice talking to you. I need to go now, but I'm here anytime you need to speak. Goodbye love .xx

This girl has grown on me, even though I don't know her. I needed to meet her. "Boys?" I asked.

They all looked at me. "How do you feel about going to South Africa?"

"The home of Nando's!" Niall yelled. I guess he was in.

"What for, exactly?" Liam asked.

"You know that girl with the reddish hair? I really want to meet her. She could be the one." I said a bit over dramatically.

"Uh huh. And how do you know she wont just like you for your status and wealth?" Louis cocked his head.

"She doesn't seem like the type. And I have an genius plan. We dress as nerds and use our Best Song Ever character names. We can enroll in her school and I can get to know her." I grinned.

"Well we are on break, and I love meeting fans. So why not." Zayn smiled.

"Okay." Louis sighed.

"Nando's!" Niall yelled again.

"I'm in too." Liam nodded.

I logged back onto the internet, and booked us a flight for later that day. We all packed and I drove us to the airport.

"Flight 234 to South Africa now boarding." The intercom announced.

Was this moving a bit quickly? Hell yes. Did I care? Hell no.

Diandra, I'm coming for you.

Twist Of Fate - Harry Styles Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now