Hikaru x Reader x Karou

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 The cool,crisp air fluttered around the tiny red noses of children. With you being so small and stout, your mother had to wrap you up in your little teal scar, adorning tiny designs of snowflakes spread out upon it. You couldn't resist nuzzling your tiny chin deep into the warmth it emitted. Your mother said it was a gift from a beloved friend of hers. At this particular moment you cherished and welcomed the warmth with the icy wind coming your way. You curiously shuffled around taking in every little aspect of your surroundings.

 Your thoughts slowly crept back to your mother's friend. It must be the woman your mother always went continuously on about, with that "Lavishly wonderful business". Oh, and such a successful business it was. Ever since she took that job, she knew  drastically large amounts of people. They would always visit and insist of giving you gifts, but you never wanted to take them. It was always so confusing for you, seeing items shoved in front of you, by people you didn't even know. 

 Soon you snapped out of your on going thoughts to see this lovely bench, which you soon started to approach. You were a mere few feet away when two people scurried over to your choice of seating. 


 You questioned the two kids, not sure of just what these two identical fellows thought they were doing. 

"What? We're just sitting." 

One said as he looked to the other. The other mischievously smirked at the individual while turning his attention towards you.

"Or are you just to stupid to understand that?" 

The other smiled seeming to like the events taking place.

"Hikaru, don't talk to that munchkin! You might catch a severe case of stupid." 

They chuckled in unison as they examined your flabbergasted face. 

"But Kaoru, it's so much fun to see the reactions of such an idiot!"

 You were now infuriated.

 "What makes you think you can talk to me like that after taking the bench I was clearly about to sit on?" The one who was apparently Hikaru gasped. "Look Kaoru, it talks!" Your frowned increased at their rudeness as the one who insulted you pointed at you to add emphasis to his last statement.

 "Well can I please sit there? There is no where else to sit, and I was here first to begin with."

 The one named Hikaru started speaking again. 

"But is we let you sit here-" "Where will we sit?" 

The one name Kaoru finished.

"I don't know."

 You stated blandly getting more annoyed by the second. "Well, lets make a deal" You smirked at at the thought. Just as you were about to respond the other chimed in. "You can sit here if you can guess which one is Hikaru" 

"I thought this was suppose to be a challenging deal, but if you insist." You laughed to yourself as you were certain you knew who was who. You pointed to the one who had first insulted you. "You, you are Hikaru." They looked at each other with the blank expressions they put on as a tactic to fool you. Then they nodded seeming as if they automatically knew what one another was implying with the conspicuous nod.

 "You're wrong."

 You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You knew there was no way you were mistaken. "No I'm not! I KNOW I'm not."

 "Yes, you guessed so there for, your wrong." 

You vigorously shook your head. "No, I didn't guess." Once again you pointed. "You're Hikaru because you're the ruder twin." They once again looked at each other. This time, with a tad bit of shock. They didn't want to admit you were right, so they just held each others hands and stared at you. You were starting to get that this seat wouldn't be given up any time soon, so you just accepted it and left.

"(Y/n) get ready."
"For what?" 
"We have to go to a party of my friends."
"Do I have to go?"
"Yes, now get your ass to your room and get ready!"
"But m-"
"NOW." You quickly scurried up to your room scared of what would happen if you didn't oblige. So you started to get ready for the party.

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