Chapter 12

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"So where's the compass leading us," I asked after walking around for quite some time with jungkook. I was getting more and more hungry now and I wasn't even sure where we were headed. "Do you have a good place in mind that you are trying to find."
"At the moment I'm just thinking of someplace quiet and decent with good food... and I'm just following the needle that seems pretty steady now." I stepped closer and peeked at the compass and he was right, the needle was calm and stable as if it knew the perfect place for us even though we had no place specific in our minds.
"Oh...I think this is it," he said as he came to a halt before what looked like a small yet fancy looking cafe. I could see the red, black and beige interior through the clear glass windows and doors of the spot. The place surprisingly looked pretty normal. Its the first most normal looking spot I've seen in this world so far. "Shall we," Jungkook said as he opened the door and gestured for me to enter in a gentleman-like manner. It made me feel kind of embarrassed so I just looked down at my as I walked in.
The place was pretty empty except a quirky looking girl behind the counter and some old people in the far corner sipping tea. Jungkook and I casually walked in.
"Wait we should wash our hands first!" He suddenly exclaimed, startling me. But he was right, I mean I've been roaming here like a street beggar and I should think about bathing but for now washing hands before lunch was a good call. "Excuse me," Jungkook asked a lady cleaning the tables as soon as I nodded in agreement to him, "anywhere we can wash our hands?"
"Yes there's a small bathroom behind the counter," she pointed and Jungkook hurried there and I followed him.
The bathroom had two sinks so both of us conservatively washed our hands side by side quickly... And by quickly I mean I was quick but he wasn't. He rubbed the soap in his hands for way too long and took even longer to wash it. I was just staring at him, waiting for him to get done but he took some minutes. As we both came out I finally asked him, "do you have OCD or something?"
"No," he suddenly retorted but then after a second thought he added, "I guess...maybe...I don't know." He seemed nervous to admit it. "But it smells really nice right?" He suddenly asked while shoving his hand near my nose. I squinted at it with a held breath but even then the soap's strong scent found its way in my nose.
"Yea, it's nice," I awkwardly replied waiting for him to put his hand away before I have an urge to kiss it or something. Luckily he did and walked to a two seated table.
We took seats near the window, my back was at the counter...while in front of my face was the stunning lookalike of my beloved. I couldn't help but stare at him while he looked around, carefully observing the surrounding. The view outside the window looked beautiful; there were a bunch of small trees and bushes outside the window, there were some other small buildings as well and of course over that the weather was perfect. Moreover adding to the view was Jungkook, omg, the scenery behind him and him in front, the light falling on his face perfectly... How am I not dead yet.
He looked so cute as he kinda pouted his lips or nibbled them as his big eyes slowly observed the setting like a curious child. What I was loving most of this Jungkook though was his hair; his dark brown-nearly black but not black-locks smoothly fell over his face but he had jerked his head sideways making his hair flip all to one side. This means his forehead was almost half exposed... But it isn't the forehead I'm worried about, its those eyebrows. You see when his hair are over his eyebrows, he's a cutie bunny but if his eyebrows and forehead is exposed he's scary hot...but if one eyebrow is exposed and the other is hidden like it is right now... Then trust me its one killer combination of cute and hot!
Just when he almost caught me check his face out, luckily the jumpy teen waitress hopped to our table before he could have said anything to embarrass me again. "So what's it this couple wants?"
"Oh we're not a couple," I immediately told her awkwardly to get rid of any misunderstandings between Jungkook and me.
"Just tell her what you want," Jungkook suddenly interrupted in an annoyed voice. Is he upset cause I denied being his couple?
"Um OK, what on the menu?"
"Say whatever and I'll make it," she proudly announced but I noticed her eyes glancing playfully at Jungkook every now and then.
"Yup!" She chirped.
"So if I said I want a Korean dish you'd make it?"
" Korean for both of you?"
"Yeah whatever," Jungkook mumbled as he pushed his tongue on the inside of his cheek. He sure gets moody and upset easily, I thought. I just nodded at the waitress and she went skipping away. "So you're a koreaboo?" He teasingly asked all of a sudden.
"No!" I defensively retorted with a scoff, "I'm just curious of what Korean food tastes like since I've never tried it." Its true though, everyone makes it look tasty so I just wanted to check it out when given a chance.
Suddenly something caught my attention from the corner of my eyes so I turned my eyes a bit in the direction and I saw what looked like two men outside the window, behind a bush, suspiciously peeking in my direction. They immediately shuffled out of my view when I noticed them which made me even more suspicious. "What are you looking at," Jungkook asked as he turned around to look behind him but the people were no longer there. I didn't want Jungkook to be bothered or angered so I didn't tell him.
"Nothing," I said brushing away the bad feeling in my be honest for a while...when we were walking around with the compass to find this place...I could've sworn I felt like I was being followed from a distance... And it couldn't have been Yoongi since it was more than one person!

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