Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

~ Zayn ~

                “Lumos,” I whispered. The end of my wand began to glow with a soft, white light. I opened my Potions book from last year and flipped back to the last chapter. I had to get in some last minute studying before my Hogwarts letter came. It would be any day now. My watch read 11:02 pm, but I couldn’t go to bed yet. I had to finish this book.

                Then suddenly there was a rapping at my bedroom window. I carefully laid my book down on my bed covers, being careful not to tear the worn pages. I shined the light from my wand at the window and saw my owl, Boris, staring back at me. With a smile, I opened the window and let him in, taking the letter he held in his mouth. I quickly tore it open and read it.

Zayn Malik,

            We are excited to announce your return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for your second year. Enclosed is the list of the textbooks required for your schooling this year. You will also have to purchase new robes if your current ones do not fit. The Hogwarts Express will be leaving platform 9 ¾ at precisely 11:00 am. Do not miss it! We hope to see you soon!

Albus Dumbledore

                I smiled with pleasure. Professor Dumbledore favored me the most out of the Slytherin first years from last year. He had been so excited to see me come to Hogwarts since he had seen my parents graduate from the school. He also favored my older sister, Doniya, who was going to be a fifth year. He had always taken the time to write each of us our Hogwarts letters personally.

                There was only one thing I was apprehensive about for the coming year. Harry Styles would be coming to Hogwarts. Every wizard on the planet knew his name. I, quite frankly, didn’t want him to come. He’s extremely famous and will most definitely become Dumbledore’s new favorite instead of me. But, maybe if I befriended him then I could take a share in some of his fame. It was a thought to consider.

                It was now 11:30 and I just could not stand another 30 pages of potions tonight. Oh well, I thought. There’ll be plenty of time tomorrow. I turned out my wand light and crawled under the covers of my bed. I stroked Boris’ feathers softly before falling asleep.

                I awoke to Boris’ screeching as my two younger sisters came barging into my room. They both jumped on top of me and started yelling.

                “Did you get your letter, Zayn?” Safaa asked.

                “Doniya said she got hers last night!” added Waliyha.

                “Get off of me!” I snapped. Of course, like always, they didn’t listen. I waved my Hogwarts letter, which I had clung to in my sleep, above my head to get them to shut up. It just caused more squealing.

                “Let me see, Zayn!” Safaa exclaimed.

                “I can’t wait until I get my letter! Just three more years,” Waliyha said cheerily.

                Both of them had probably read it three times over before my mum called us all down for breakfast. If only I could just get some peace and quiet in this house. I slowly followed my sisters, who practically flew all the way to the kitchen. How did they have this much energy this early?

                My mum and dad were so excited when I told them about my letter as our breakfast was served by the plates my mum had charmed. Like always, the kitchen had cooked us a lovely breakfast which today consisted of scrambled eggs and fried potatoes. As we ate, my parents and Doniya discussed the things I’ll be learning this year and what to look forward to. I was very excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts, which happened to be my favorite subject.

                After breakfast, my dad helped me with my studying in my room. My parents made us all study over the summer so that we were better educated than most of the other young wizards and witches. I had mastered every subject, except Potions which I was really struggling in. I had just barely earned a good grade in that class, but Professor Snape still thought me to be an excellent student. I knew almost everything about the different ingredients and where to find them, I just never got the recipes right.

                After about an hour of studying with very little success, dad promised Doniya and me a trip to Hogsmeade to celebrate receiving our letters. Even though we went there very often, a trip to Hogsmeade was always something to look forward to. My sister and I hurried back to our rooms so we could get there in time to eat lunch at The Three Broomsticks. I threw on a dark pair of jeans and a varsity jacket, made sure my hair looked nothing less than perfect, and headed down to our fireplace where dad and Doniya were already waiting.

                “Remember to speak clearly,” dad reminded us, giving us each a handful of floo powder. Floo powder was used for quick transport through one’s chimney and was extremely easy to use. I watched as dad and Doniya had disappeared in a cloud of green smoke before I stepped into the fireplace, careful not to hit my head and mess up my hair. I held the floo powder out in front of me in one hand as I cleared my throat before speaking.

                “Hogsmeade,” I exclaimed, letting the powder fall from my hand. In a cloud of green smoke I shot upward. The feeling was sickening, but exhilarating at the same time. As soon as it had started, the feeling stopped and I landed in the unlit fireplace in the corner of The Three Broomsticks.

                “Took you long enough,” Doniya teased as I stood up and dusted the soot off my clothes. We didn’t have to wait in the line for long, since it was still a little early for lunch. We didn’t order too much food, but we did order the largest mugs of butterbeer available. We sat at a small table by a window, savoring every sip of our butterbeer.

                We ate quickly so we could go to Honeydukes before the large evening crowds arrived. Honeydukes had every candy imaginable, from Chocolate Frogs to Licorice Ropes and my personal favorite, Bertie Bot’s Every Flavor Beans. It was every child’s dream come true. The smell hit me instantly as I walked through the door. My mouth watered just at the sight of so much candy in one place.

                “Buy as much as you like, as long as you can carry it all!” dad practically shouted over the squealing, happy children. That’s exactly what we did. I grabbed one of everything I walked past and I had only gone through one third of the shop when I couldn’t hold anymore! Doniya and I smiled like idiots as we carried our entire load back to dad, who was paying at the counter. We were about to walk out of the shop when I noticed a newspaper sitting on the counter. I read the title on the front page.

Harry Styles is Coming to Hogwarts!

                The happiness I had felt sipping butterbeer and racing through Honeydukes was gone now, replaced by anger and jealousy. I was supposed to be the favorite! But no, I’m being replaced by some young lad who apparently saved us all when he was just a baby. He doesn’t even know what he did! He probably doesn’t even know he’s a wizard yet, and I’m the one who stays up almost all night studying! It just wasn’t fair. There was no way I could befriend him, I was just too jealous. I deserved the fame, not him.

Harry Styles and the One Thing: a Harry Potter/One Direction Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now