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                                                                      Lily's POV

After the party Javi and I walked home together, some of the lights in the house were on so I knew Jacob was home.

I guess now is a good time to tell him about Javi and I.

I walked into the house and Jacob was sitting on the couch watching TV.

Jacob: Hey Lilypad. How'd it go?

How did what go?

Lily: The game? Oh it was good, but I want to tell you something.

Jacob: Sit.

He pats the couch and I sit down next to him.

Jacob: What's wrong?

Lily: Oh nothing's wrong. We've both been busy lately right?

Jacob: Right.

Lily: So recently I found out Jojo and his friend Brittany were seeing each other behind my back.

Jacob: I knew it! I knew she was a good for nothing- I gotta call 'Lasha!

He gets up but I stop him.

Lily: I'm not finished. So Javi's been such a sweetheart lately and he's been helping me through it and stuff and before the end of the game he was in a realy good posistion to shoot but he wouldn't so I was like "Javi shoot" and he refused to until I said I'd be his girlfriend.

Jacob: And?

Lily: He made the shot and won the game.

Jacob: So that means- 

He jumps up and down on the couch in excitement.

Jacob: Now I gotta call 'Lasha and I'm going over to Juan's you wanna come?

Lily: As much as I'd love to, I can't I've been on my feet all day and I just really need to lie down.

Jacob: You do that, I gotta make a phone call.

                                              Jacob's POV

I knew something was going on, Lily hadn't been talking about Jojo much but I'm just happy she found someone ten times better.

I mean she's going out with a Misfit that's so awesome! And maybe they'll have little Misfit babies. That would be cool.

I ran upstairs and dialled 'Lasha's number.

'Lasha: Jacob?

Jacob: Jojo's been cheating on Lily.

'Lasha: What? With Brittany?!

I could hear her get out of bed.

'Lasha: I knew that heffer was trying to steal Jojo away from her and he let her! Let me call CJ, CJ gon' beat his ass.

Jacob: But it's ok though.

'Lasha: No it's not ok, Lily gotta fight for what's hers.

Jacob: No it's ok because Javi just asked Lily to be his girlfriend.

'Lasha screams down the end of the line.

'Lasha: Dang home girl work fast. But they 'gon be so cute together.

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