In which sixteen year old Summer Bradshaw
finds herself fighting off a monster from another
dimension all whilst mending her broken heart.
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STAYED STRANGERS ABIGAIL BARLOW " Know what hurts the most is that I can't hate you. I still want you close 'cause it's just my nature. "
I GUESS I'M IN LOVE CLINTON KANE " And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? Butterflies can't stop me falling for you. "
FEEL LIKE SHIT TATE MCRAE " Really thought I'd be done with the hardest part. When I pulled myself out of your arms. Wish I knew that was only the start. "
BREAKAWAY LENNON STELLA " I'm tired of holding my head up. I'm tired of trying to hold onto you. "
HURTS SO GOOD ASTRID S " Every time that I swear it's over it makes you want me even more. You pull away and I come in closer and all we ever stay is torn. "
PEER PRESSURE JAMES BAY FT JULIA MICHAELS " You're dancing around on my mind every second. I'm under control till you're in front of me. Maybe I'm scared, I don't care, I'm addicted. I'm in it"
CARRIED AWAY SURF MESA, MADISON BEER " It's like all this time I've been waiting for you with my open eyes. Scanning this room for a piece of mine. You look so good in this light. "
RIP OLIVIA O'BRIEN " This new you, this new dude. Don't know him, don't want to. I wish I still knew the old him. The old you. "
STONE COLD DEMI LOVATO " Give me the truth, me and my heart. We'll make it through. If happy is her, I'm happy for you. "
SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE CAMILA CABELLO " Something's gotta give, something's gotta break. But all I do is give and all you do is take. "
8 LETTERS WHY DON'T WE " If all it is is eight letters, why am I in my own way? Why do I pull you close? And then ask you for space? "
BUTTERFLIES KAILEE MORGUE " Thought I knew the faces you make when you lie. Now I'm feeling sick instead of butterflies. "
MAGIC RUDY MANCUSO " When I just can't say no, fear starts to grow. I feel it in my body. "
INSOMNIA DAYA " My mind is running too fast. Shadows on the wall keep lurking. I wish that you would come back. "
SWIMMING IN THE MOONLIGHT BAD SUNS " Though we're moving quickly it feels I've waited all my life. Until this moment I've only dreamed of paradise. "
LOVELY BILLIE EILISH FT KHALID " Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near. Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear. "
THE OTHER LAUV " Who wrote the book on 'goodbye'? There's never been a way to make this easy. "
CRAVE YOU ROBINSON " I can't help thinking of you. Situations in my head do nothing for me. Lead me back to a dead end and I try to leave you behind."