Aang - Prologue

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The wind tore at his clothes and arched over his head. He inhaled deeply, finding comfort in its presence. His chakra energy was almost free to flow completely. All that was left was . . . to let go of Katara. The first girl he'd ever loved. The only girl he'd ever loved.

Aang lifted his eyes to the guru before him. "No! I can't. I can't let go of her. I love her. I need her." His anger was written in his scowl. His eyebrows and the corners of his mouth pulled down.

"You must." The guru said. "To open the last chakra, you have to let go of your attachments to this world. To connect with the cosmic energy of the Avatar state, you have to have balance. This doesn't include all consuming love. The avatars before you that have conquered this technique have done the same. To save the world and end this war, you must do this. Surrender yourself."

Aang huffed loudly, forcing back his emotions. He knew the guru was right. He had to do this, for the world. For Katara. He had to forget their love to save her. He sucked in sharply and closed his eyes again. He tried desperately not to cry. But his heart was breaking.

He would give Katara the world, even if it meant they would never have one together.

"Now let her go, Aang." The guru instructed.

And he did.

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