Chapter Forty Seven - When The Truth Comes Out

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Yes, I realise how much of a girl I sound like.

And I don't give a fuck.

Rosie stirred in my arms, pulling herself closer to me as she woke up, and I pressed my lips to her forehead.

''Hey Cutie.'' I whispered.

She smiled sleepily up at me, before closing her eyes again and settling back into my chest. She sighed, nuzzling my skin with her nose, as I smiled down at her with so much love it hurt, and let her go back to sleep.

We stayed like that for hours, she would occasionally wake up and fall back asleep, and I just held her there the whole time.

We were young.

There was no rush to do anything, go anywhere, be anything other than what we were;

Teenagers in love.

So like that we stayed. Just for once, embracing the moment. It was the afternoon before Mom knocked on my bedroom door and insisted we got up.

''What are you still doing in bed?!'' she exclaimed.

''SHH!'' I answered her, gesturing to the sleeping beauty in my arms.

She rolled her eyes.

''It's after lunch time!'' she whisper yelled.

''Rosie still isn't well!'' I whisper yelled back.

Mom sighed.

''Well why do you need to stay in bed with her? Its midday Josh! Get up!''

Just The Girl (under editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt