Chapter 5

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Maddy's POV

Harry and i walked together to lunch. I saw Brooke and Niall sitting at a table. I walked towards them. "Heey guys." "Heey Mads." Niall said and Brooke smiled at me. "So.... Where is your loverboy?" Brooke asked me. "Harry? He's not my loverboy and he's here." I said and they looked confused. "We were talking about Luke but anyway......i don't see Harry." Oh. Crap.

Wait, what!?

I turned around and saw Harry by an other table. His gang. They're back. I turned back to Brooke and Niall and sat down. "Oh....yeah. I forgot. His gang is back from their vacation and he went to them to say hello and stuff." They nodded.

We ate our lunch. Niall and Brooke had a conversation together while i looked over at Harry. He was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We were looking at each other the whole time until the bell rang. Everybody stood up and we all walked back to our classes. History. With Harry. He didn't walk together with me but with his gang. That's....okay.... It's not that i like him or something....

Okay. Maybe i do but i can't. I cant forget what he did to me. That was terrible. Ugh... I'm fucking myself up! I arrived at the history classroom and walked into the room to my seat in the back.

I sat down and picked up my books. Harry sat down with me. His gang members walked into the classroom and sat down across from us. The bell rang and the teacher came in. The lesson started.

"I'm sorry Dell. I shouldn't have done that." Harry whispered. I nodded. "It's okay. You have your friends back so now i'm invisible. Again." He sighed and shook his head no.

"That's not true and you know it. You're still my number one friend. Like a BFF. Yes. That's what you are. I just don't want you getting involved with those gang problems and stuff." He whispered and kissed my cheek. Heat rushes to my cheeks.

"You're cute when you're blushing." He said while he giggled a little. "No, i'm not. But you. You are cute when you're giggling." I said and he kissed my cheek again.

"Mr. Styles! No PDA in my classroom!!" The teacher yelled and Harry nodded while he tried to hold in his laugh. Then the teacher started talking again about god knows what.

Harry kissed my cheek again and grinned at me. "You heard the teacher Harry. No PDA in class." I whispered and he giggled. "I don't call that PDA. I call it PDA when it's with so much more." He explained and i looked down.

"You mean like the way you and Acacia do?" He looked at me angry. "There is nothing between Acacia and i. Not anymore." I nodded and sighed. If i only could believe him.

"Then why did you have sex with her last night?" I asked and his eyes widened. "I didn't have sex with her." He whispered and looked down.

"Yes, you did. Luke called me last night. He said that i had to listen. Just listen and nothing else. He didn't even explain why. Then i heard you two having sex. And some little fight about you not finishing it and pulling out or something. Then after that, Luke ended the call." I said and his jaw almost touched the ground.

"I........" He didn't finish his sentence. "No. It's okay. It's not like we're a couple or something. But i have a question. Not that i mind but why didn't you finish. Why did you pull out?" I asked and he sighed.

"I didn't feel right. I had that weird feeling and it woudn't go away. When i pulled out it was gone. Weird huh?" I nodded. 'It didn't feel right.' Okay. Interesting.

" just didn't feel right? As in?" "As in what?" Oh god. How am i gonna say this. "As in she wasn't good or as in you felt guilty or something?" I asked and suddenly he looked nervous.

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