Chapter 5

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I stood behind the counter of Acoustics, my fingers tapping against the cool wood. I stared straight ahead not really seeing the instruments or customers flitting by. My mind was stuck in replay, the events of a week ago running in circles. Three things stuck out the most: one, there was some psycho bitch trying to get her disgusting hands on Phun, two, Mick was a vampire, and three, Phun said he loved me. That was the biggest worry swirling around in my head. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Alright, worry may not have been the best word choice. I wasn't exactly worried about Phun being in love with me. In fact, hearing those three little words made me really happy, ecstatic, thrilled, dreamy, and very, very ... gay. Yep, I have come to realize just how gay I was for that man. But only Phun. No other man held any attraction to me. Just that beautiful, black eyed, and pink lipped vampire. Thank God. I don't think I'd be able to handle being gay for other men...

My eyes closed as my heart squeezed just thinking of that day. It was an eventful day to say the least. I found out that Phun had some crazy person hunting him down and because he has chosen to be around me, my life was now in danger (I think, I never did get a good answer about that). But none of that caused my heart to squeeze. Yes, the threat to my life was scary just not enough to cause my heart to react. Nope, my heart squeezed every time that kiss popped into my mind. And every time it did pop my body would burn. I could still feel his tongue sliding across my lips and into my mouth, exploring every bit. I ached to press my body up against his solid form, to explore more, to taste more, to feel more. See what I mean? Very gay for Phun. But sadly, I haven't seen him since that night. After whispering those sweet words to me Mick showed up, destroying the moment might I add. I was still swimming in a stunned state when I heard Aim being mentioned. Apparently one of her minions was spotted near Mick's apartment. Phun left me there and went after the man. I haven't seen him since.

I sighed and forced my eyes open, pushing all thoughts of Phun out of my head. They weren't helping me any. Only making me realize how much I missed him. And I did miss him a lot. I never knew how much I've grown accustom to his presences in my life. It's only been a little over a month since I meet the vampire but now I can't see my life without him. The denial I had built around me like a protective wall crumbled the minute those life shattering words were whispered into my ear. I don't know if what I felt was love but it was pretty damn close. The constant heart flutters. The jealousy I felt when I saw Aim kissing Phun. The annoying swallowing and flushing. All of it was obvious. Now if only Phun was around. I don't know if I'd tell him but I'd definitely be nicer and —well I'm not against skin to skin contact.

"Boss," a soft voice called pulling me out of my thoughts. I blinked several times before turning to look down at the sweet boy. He stared up at me, his eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Are you alright? You've been spacing out a lot lately."

I gave Win a small smile before saying, "I'm fine, just a little tired." Reaching out a hand I patted the boy on the top of his head. The worry lines etching across Win's forehead didn't lessen. I must be really out of it if Win was able to catch on. His head was in the clouds more times than not. I always wondered how he and Per got together. I mean, they were complete opposites. Win was docile, sweet, and a bit of a daydreamer. While, Per was rash, loud, and a huge flirt. I guess being childhood friends had a factor into it but it was still hard to picture.

The little bell chimed over the door. Win's and my attention swung to it ready to greet a customer, only to be deflated when Ohm stepped through. He stopped in front of us, head tilting to the side, eyebrow raising, before shrugging and giving us a toothy smile with a wink. He turned away and headed to my office. I watched him disappear. My shoulders slouched and my stomach churned. What I was about to do wasn't really pleasant but it needed to be done. I owed it to him, being his best friend and all. It was my job to tell him that Mick was a vampire. The little guy refused to say anything to Ohm. No matter how much I pressured him the little vampire always had an excuse. I had enough with his last lame excuse and blew up at the kid. If he was too chicken then I'll be the one to do it. Mick seemed pleased with that idea. Scaredy-cat.

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