A Hairy Situation

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•Evan's POV•

I've been starting to worry, Connor has been really distant with me lately. I would offer if we could hang out, but he refuses and says he is busy. I understood the first time, but now I'm starting to think he hates me now. I saw him walking over towards me and I tried again.

I poked his shoulder and he turned around, I then noticed dark circles under his eyes. "Hey Connor, you ok?" He turns his head around to hide his face. "Yeah, what is it?" He sounds mad and tired what happened. "Well I was wondering if you weren't busy today... we haven't hung out in a-"

"I'm sorry I can't today Evan" I had a feeling he would say that and it broke me a little inside. "Oh ok.. we'll see you tomorrow Connor..." I turn away and rushed over to lunch ok for Jared. I found his and grabbed his arm. "Woah what is it acorn?" He see my anxious face, and tears coming out of my eyes and starts to worry. "Ok ok let's go outside to that tree you like."

He go outside and he calms me down. "So what happened Evan?" I buried my head between my legs and let out a sigh. "I think Connor hates me..." Jared was confused and let out a chuckle. "What gave you that idea?"

"Well I've been wanting to hang out with him. But recently he said no, or I'm too busy for like 3 days. Isn't that weird?" Jared thinks for a moment trying to analyze this situation. "That is werid.. but that doesn't mean he hates you. Maybe.. he's working on a class project or something. I don't know."

"Yeah but when I saw him today he was mad, and tired." Jared let's out another laugh. "Hot topic is mad one day or another. Look don't worry about it, just give him space. Then when he seems better try to confront him." I nod my head and thank Jared for everything.

•Time skip•

It was then end of the day and I saw Connor walk home. I catch up to him and see how he is. "Hey Connor, can we talk?" Connor stopped and turned to me but then walked faster. "I can't Evan I have to get home."

"Why is something wrong?"  I walk faster as well to catch up to him. "No it just.. something else." I go in front of him to block his way. "Are you avoiding me? Do you... hate me?" Connor looks down at me in shook. "What? No! I would never hate you."

"Then why are you acting like this?...." Connor looks down at the ground in shame and then back at me. "It's just.. hard to explain now.. but I promise to tell you soon ok." I didn't know if I believed him but I walked past him and didn't look back. "Fine.." I ran to a park nearby that had one of my favorite trees. I climbed up and started to cry. I was glad no one was around to see me.

It started to get late and I climbed down from the tree and walked my way home. I knew my mom wasn't there since she's always home late. I heard a rustling noise around me and I turned around. I saw nothing and walked faster just to be safe. Though I heard it again and took my phone out, to turn on the flashlight. I pointed it to a few bushes, then I saw two blue eyes staring at me.

I started to panic and back away slowly, until I tripped and fell. The eyes came closer and a large body came towards me. I closed my eyes as I began to cry. This is it I'm gonna die!! "Evan?" I knew that voice... "C.. Connor?"

I looked up to see Connor, but he looked different. He was larger, had a lot of brown fur, his clothes were ripped, his nose was different, and he had sharp teeth. "W..What happened?" Connor helps me up and drags me deeper where the bushes were. "Ok I know I look weird, and this is going to sound weird but... I'm a werewolf.."

"A.. A werewolf? How?" He shows he his arm and moves the fur, to reveal a bite mark. "I got bitten by one a couple of weeks ago. I was scared to tell you though. I thought you would think I was a freak." I reach over and touch Connor's face. "No I don't think your a freak. I don't care what creature you are. I love you Connor." Connor looks at me with a cute dog face and hugs me.

"I want to kiss you so badly right now. But I don't want to accidentally bite you" I let out a laugh and give a small kiss on Connor head. "I guess you have to wait till morning" Connor looks at me with a sly smile and then licks me. "Connor! Stop that tickles! Ew dog breath!"

"I can do that instead~" we both laugh and I walk him back home. "Night my little wolf" Connor then looks back at me and pokes my nose. "Don't call me that" I laugh and pet his head. "Can't promise you that wolfie~"

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