In which sixteen year old Summer Bradshaw
finds herself fighting off a monster from another
dimension all whilst mending her broken heart.
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"DOES EVERYONE KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING?" Hopper raises his voice, making eye contact with each and everyone one of the teens who sheepishly nod their heads.
It hadn't taken long for them to regroup back at the middle school and go over their plan one last time before fanning out, and doing exactly what they needed to. The sensory deprivation tank was a lot more work than they had all thought, but they were going to stop at nothing to get their beloved friends back.
It was weird seeing the buildings so empty and dark, as they rushed around frantically. It was almost as if they were out of a horror movie. The thought makes Summer snicker when she realises why they were all there in the first place.
"What was that about?" Jonathan asks, his eyebrow quirked upward as he nudges her with his elbow.
She shakes her head, speeding up her steps to keep up with Hopper, "I just can't believe how crazy all of this is."
"It's only gonna get crazier, kid." Hopper lays a comforting hand on her shoulder and gives it a slight squeeze, before unlocking the little shed, where the salt used to melt the snow was kept.
The three of them begin passing the heavy bags to one another and then into a wheelbarrow until the heap on top was practically a mountain. It was so heavy that Jonathan and Hopper had to wheel it back together while Summer watched for any bags that looked like they were going to fall.
Dustin and Lucas had already managed to put together a small pool and fill it up with water, ready for the salt to be poured in, but it takes a couple of trips before Dustin's egg test proved that there was enough. All that was left was for Eleven to get in.
Mike had been helping the girl prepare herself for what was to come, her body and mind relaxed as best she could while Joyce places a pair of blacked-out goggles on her head. Everyone else had sat around, watching with anticipation as she steps into the pool and slowly sets herself down.
It wasn't every day they got to witness a girl with telekinetic powers connect with another dimension. The thought alone made Summer nervous as goosebumps send a shiver up her spine, but she hides it as best she can.
Joyce makes sure to let Eleven know that if at any moment she thinks she can't handle it that it was okay to back out. She wasn't going to put another child in harms way just to save her own, no matter how desperately she wanted her boy back home.
Eleven starts to float and everyone sits around hoping and praying that their plan was going to work, but as the minutes pass by and nothing happens, they begin to lose faith. Until she speaks, that is.
"Barb," She whispers, catching everyone's attention, but mostly Nancy's as she leans over the edge of the pool with suspense. Her spirits high, only to come crashing down the second Eleven starts to yell, "Gone. Gone! GONE!" She thrashes around in the water.