Chapter 19 - Soul link

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Dedicated to quikslvr53.


Chapter 19 - Soul link


The shadows were everywhere.

They lurked inside the shadow mist, dancing in and out of Skye's view, somehow always coming closer, closer, reaching out for her with limbs she couldn't focus on, and nothing she did halted their advance.


Touched her.

They grew backlit eyes that dug into her like their fingers and ripped the insecurities from her soul. Skye struck out again and again, desperate not to let them claim her. She tore at their shapeless bodies with her nails until they bled, raking lines into the faces that scabbed over immediately and left horrific, weeping scars on faces she suddenly knew. 

 Why are you doing this? they whispered. Why do you hurt us so? We are like you.

The faces of people she cared about looked back at her, staring at her like the monster she was. Tayne, Kya, Verdrana, her father, all standing in front of her, hands clutching the injuries she'd inflicted upon them as they staggered back like they couldn't believe she'd been the one to put them there.

You're responsible, they cried. No one else did this to us--why are you doing this!

Skye froze, horrified at herself. 

What was she doing? Hurting those that were like her? 

Am I truly worse than a demon?

She hesitated. The blood mixed with shadow, the emerald sparks fleeing her fingers lest it too become corrupted. It bothered her less than it should have. As far as she was concerned, she hadn't deserved it in the first place. She'd only dragged the Master's attention to the Silverborn and got them killed because of it. 

The faces snarled at her, shapes shifting once more as her thoughts spiralled out of control. 

Useless, said one face, slithering around her ankle.

Pathetic, said another, sliding along the ground and encircling her with the shadow.

Worthless, said the third. It latched onto her arm, biting deep into her shoulder over the Master's mark. The black tendrils sprouted from her skin and raced down her hands, covering her in darkness. She struggled. She didn't want to be corrupted--she couldn't let them take her. Couldn't--

The thought cut off. A wave of fatigue swept over her as silver stars pinpricked the mist around her. 

Ash, Ski, Infuse! Darkness be gone!

An explosion of silver light banished the shadows, sending them back into the abyss yet the light didn't fade. Skye had to shield her eyes against its strength, barely able to watch as it enveloped her world in warmth. 

From the all consuming darkness, a new scene blossomed.

Skye found herself on the floor in a large arching room carpeted in a soft white material. She ran her fingers over it, marvelling at the texture. She'd never seen its like in Naisha, there was no one skilled enough even if they'd had the materials to waste on it. 

The rest of the room echoed the carpet's elegance. 

The walls curved delicately, coming to a point in the ceiling which Skye found odd. The idea of anything but a flat roof seemed ridiculous. Curious objects and paintings lined the edges of the room, somehow combining with the bookcases decor and making for an impressive sight, all perfectly highlighted under the orbs of light that hung from the ceiling. 

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