Celestia Ludenburg X Ultimate Gamer Reader

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You sat in your room, gaming away on your Xbox. You were trying to forget about the Death Games and just trying to unwind in general with your games. Then came a knock on your door. Sighing in frustration at being interuppted you got up, grabbing a knife you'd taken from the kitchen as a weapon. "Who is it?" You asked, looking through the peep hole of your door. Now you saw one of the girls from when the games were announced.

"It's Celestia Ludenburg." Came the sophisticated voice. Opening the door a crack you kept away from it, you played enough horror games to know how to avoid her with the door. "What the hell do you want?" You asked, holding your knife ready. "I wanted to just ask to play a game. After all you are the Ultimate Gamer aren't you?" She asked, leaning in to try and see you. Seeing as how you followed the analogies and tropes established in games you knew not to trust the quiet ones. "Explain the game before I let you in." You stated simply. "Just a simple bout of poker, you can pick the kind. And the loser has to do as the winner says for the duration of the Death Games." Sighing in defeat you opened the door now. "Alright. I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Son of a bitch why am I not winning against you you motherfucking shit head!" Celestia said, clearly unhinged and pissed that you'd tied for the tenth time since you sat down to play. "I don't know. But if you keep freaking out like this I'll just call it quits. Then neither of us win." You shrugged, knowing by now how to play with her vices and twist her as you wanted. The benefit of those games you always played was you'd learned how to play well. You dealt the cards again, this time was probably gonna be different...probably.

You set down your cards, showing you had a royal flush. "You motherfucking piece of shit! You had to have fucking cheated to win this bullshit!" Celestia shot up, slamming her hands into the table, looking between your royal flush and her straight flush. "No, the round came down to a game of nerves. And I have pretty steady nerves. So bluffing doesn't do much to me." You shrugged, she'd been raising astronomically high on the money, trying to force you out. But you stuck in, and ended up winning almost all of her money in one round. "Fine you piece of shit, I'll win this round, just you fucking watch." Sitting down she dealt quickly, eager to get her money back.

You ducked as the fold up chair Celestia was in went flying against the wall. "Fucking son of a goddamn whore bitch from hell!! You can't fucking win, I'm the Ultimate Gambler, you should be serving me not the other way around!!" She screamed, ranting and raving. Now you looked up at the unhinged girl. "Celestia it's not that bad. I'm not gonna be bossing you around every day. Your free to do your own thing unless I really need you." You said, trying to soothe the disturbed girl. "I don't give a flying fuck what you need me for! I'm nobility, I do not serve anyone!" You sighed, having heard everything she had to say about her family while you played. "Ok. Could you please leave my room for now? If you want we can have a rematch, or I'll just say you won."

Breathing in heavily to regain her composure she looked at you. Taking in what you just said, and her current position. "If I refuse?" She demanded, always ever eager to see the odds. "Then I'll have you do what I was originally going to do." You say simply. Celestia now narrowed her eyes at you. "And what would that be." You smiled. "That you'll find out if you want to do as I say." Her desire to know and her desire to win clearly seemed at odds. Before long she finally caved looking down.

"Fine, I'll do as you say." Smirking in success you leaned back in your chair. "Alright, close your eyes." Doing as you asked she stood there, her hands folded together with an irritated expression on her face. Walking over to her you took her hands and kissed her. Her eyes shot open and she pulled back. "What the hell?!" Smiling at her you kept her in place by her hands so she couldn't hit you. "You said anything, so I order you to be my girlfriend for the duration of the Death Games." You said, with as sophisticated an accent as she had. "And drop the accent around me. I know a fake accent when I hear one." You whispered in her ear, accent free now. Nodding she blushed looking away. "Ok."

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