Chaos at the Photoshoot?!

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The next morning we picked up Mari-chan and Fuji-san at their company building and head towards Ebisu Garden Place and soon after that we arrived at the photoshoot venue.

"We're here. This place is the perfect place for dating! Oh I wish had a boyfriend to held my hand." Fuji-san said.

"Senpai we should have ask Ryo to join us today so you can have someone to hold hands with." Mari-chan teasingly said.

"Oh your right! But the problem is Ryota-kun isn't my type." Fuji-san said.

"Choosey much! Fuji-san?" Aya-chan said.

"I have my standards!" Fuji-san said.
I just laughed at them. As staff for this photoshoot prepares we heard screams.

"What's happening??" Aya-chan asked.

"Yeah, did something happened?" Mari-chan said.
We all looked at each other and decided to head straight to the commotion.

"Ano... What' goin-" I couldn't finished my sentence because something or someone topped up towards me, and it was Chinen.

"Chinen?! You gave me a shock!" I said while hold my chest.

"Ha Ha Ha! If you can only see your face." Chinen said while laughing loudly at me.

"Oi Yamada! Nani yo?!" I asked.

"Ke Ke Ke gave us permission to see you before we go to our next location." Yama-chan said.

"E?! It's for Itadaki High JUMP?!" I asked. The three just nodded at me, and I looked at our Producer Director.

"Why me? Ke Ke ke?!" I shouted but everyone just started laughing at me.

"Gomenasai its because you're the near to our location so we just want to greet you." The Director said.

"Let's go and messed up Inoo-san's Shoot today Ke Ke Ke said.". Yabu response.

"What kind of prank is this? We haven't started yet, and you guys are here, I thought we had a problem on the set really now." I said.

"Ha ha ha! Gomen nasai Inoo-chan." Yabu said.

"Seriously." I said as everyone laughs.
A few moments later the Itadaki High JUMP crew left the place and went off somewhere.

"We can finally start our shoot." I said. "He he he that was fun." Mari-chan said.

"Fun? Mari-chan where were you?? You suddenly disappear?" I angrily said.

"Gomen nasai! Inoo-san it's just fun to watch you guys live he he he." Mari-chan said while giggling.

"Live? What are you saying we are not alive??" I teasingly said.

"She thought you guys are ghost. He he he." Fuji-san ride on my joke.

"That's not what I-" Mari-chan could finished her word when the Director for this shoot called us to start our shoot.

We started the shoot at first Mari-chan feels a bit nervous at the camera again, but eventually it disappears and she now comfortable acting as my girlfriend.

"Ok let's take a break! And change location " Said by the Director.
As we go to our improvise dressing rooms and change our outfit and we all head straight to our location.

"Mari-chan you become comfortable just now." I said.

"Me? Comfortable?? I'm not! My heart kept on beating fast, its like doki doki doki." Mari-chan said as she gesture how her heart beats.

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