The Beautiful Creature PART 2

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I saw Mari-chan entered the dressing room with someone guiding her way to vacant seat at the make-up corner.

“Hey! You! Aren’t you going to do my make-up?!” Said by the female model that I was with earlier.

When someone approach her and it was the Director for today’s shoot. He calm her down and show her out of the dressing room.

“Ne. What’s going on?” I asked one of the staff.

“Oh I think Orihime-sama was replaced as your partner model for today.” Answered by the female staff.

“Hontou?! Then who will replace her??” I asked.

“The stylist that came with you Inoo-san.” She replied.

“Hontou?!” I just looked at Mari-chan’s direction and smiled a bit.

“Well if you ask me Inoo-san, Mari-san much more better to be your co-model for today’s shoot.” Said by my Make-up Artist.

“Hontou?, Doushite?” I asked.

“It’s because of Mari-chan has this foreigner face it is a bit different from oridinary Japanese women looks. If you change her make-up she’ll look entirely different.” Response by my Make-up Artist.

A few moments later the Director called us to continue the shoot, I already at the center of the spot light when Mari-chan enters. Her short hair had a extension, her eyes has brown contact lenses, and she’s wearing a very cute and simple outfit that make her so adorable.

She saw me staring at her she looks away from me and her face is red.

“Ne. Please stop staring at me. I.. It’s embarrassing.” Mari-chan said.

“Gomen, Mari-chan it’s because you look so different than earlier and you look so adorable in your outfit I actually didn't recognize you.” I said as I smile at her.

“Pl... Please don’t say that.” She shyly said.

I chuckled a bit and put both of my hands in my pocket.

“Kawaii.” I said. She looks so bashful and as I gaze down on the ground.

“Alright let’s start.  Inoo-san could please act like you are guiding her to towards that table. Act as couple who went to a date. First date.” The Photographer said.

“Hai. Saa. Mari-chan let’s do our best today.” I said as I reach out my hand to her, She shly gave her hand to me while the photographer is taking photos of us.

“That’s great! Keep it up.” Said by the Director.

“Ne. Mari-chan you look so shy don’t tell this new to you?” I said as I continue to guide her.

She didn’t response and her face was so red.

“Matte, this is actually new to you??” I asked a my eyes widen a bit.

“So what if it is? Are you gonna laugh at me?” She asked as her face looks so red.

“Iie, it's actually cute.” I said.

A few moments later we finished our shoot.

“I’m glad its over.” Mari-chan said as she tries to relax herself.

“Mari-chan you look so innocent earlier, are your really the Mari-chan I know??” Aya-chan teasingly said.

“I am Innocent! When I sleep” Mari-chan said. As they both laugh.

“You two really know each other.”  said.

Both of them nodded and chuckled.

“Oh yeah, Mari-chan the Director said you need to go with us for tomorrow shoot.” Aya-chan said.

“Nani?! I thought you said its just for today??” Mari-chan frustrated asked.

“Gomenasai!” Aya teasingly said.

“Fuji-senpai might kill me for this.” Mari-chan said as if she imagines Fuji-san’s angry face.

“It’s just for a day.” I said.

“You don’t know him that much, if it’s about the work load his super strict. If his working on a design he will not stop until its perfect and if it comes on cutting and sawing it has to be perfect or you have to redo all of it.” Mari-chan said while shivering in fear. “I can see his angry expression.” She added.

“It looks like your are really scared to Fuji-san, Mari-chan.” Aya-chan said.

“He really is! But you can really learn a lot a things from him.” Mari-chan’s expression change as she describe Fuji-san. “His an awesome guy, Fuji-senpai.”

Unknowingly I was staring at Mari-chan’s smiling face as we all walk to the dressing room to change back to our casual clothing.

A few minutes later we are done changing and now we are walking towards the parking lot.

“Mari-chan we will give you a ride back.” I said.

“Hontou? Arigatou!” She said.

“And we’ll asked a permission to Fuji-san for tomorrow’s shoot.” Aya-chan whispered at me.

I laughed quietly as we entered the car.

A few moments later we arrived at Mari-chan’s company building.

“We’re here already? I didn’t notice it.” Mari-chan said. As she opened the door and went out of the car. “Well then se-“

Before we knew Aya-chan also got off the car.

“Why did you got out of the car Aya-chan?” Mari-chan asked.

“I’m going to talk to Fuji-san regarding tomorrow’s shoot so. I am coming inside with you.” Aya-chan said.

“Your really gonna ask him huh?” Mari-chan said.

“I’ll go too. Besides its boring to just wait here at the car.” I said as I got off the car as well.

“Fine. Let’s have a cup of tea while you guys are talking.” Mari-chan said.

The three of us entered the building and head straight at Fuji-san’s Working area.

“Welcome back! Mari-chan!” Fuji-san happily greeted Mari-chan.

“Mari-chan you help me in this one.” Fuji-san said.

“Ano, Fuji-senpai their is someone here who wants to talk to you.” Mari-chan said as Aya-chan and I entered the room.

“Aya-san and Inoo-kun why are you here?” Fuji-san asked.

We sat at the coffee table as Aya-chan explain to Fuji-san about our shoot for tomorrow as he kept quite as he listened at every word Aya-chan tells to him.

After the explanation was over he lean his both arms on the table and stared at us.

“Of course I’ll let her come with you. But in one condition.” Fuji-san said.

“What is it?” Aya-chan asked at Fuji-san.

“I’m coming too. I’m gonna be Mari-chan’s manager.” Fuji-san teasingly said.

“You just want to get out of here and look for a handsome guy. Aren’t you Fuji-senpai?” Mari-chan said.

“Well of course! Seeing  a handsome guy gives me a huge inspiration.” Fuji-san said.

“You’re just gonna imagine them topless again.”  Mari-chan teasingly said.

“Be quite you!” Fuji-san said, as all laughed.

“Alright then we’ll see you guys tomorrow, we will pick you guys at 7am here at the office.” Aya-chan said.

Fuji-san nodded at us as we stand an bowed at each other and left the building.

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