*cough* hi ~ Author's Note

182 5 3

Friday, January 12th, 2018 05:21AM

Gosh, how long has it been? Almost five months since I left. I came back just because I was bored and I got 75 notifications.

No offense, but it kinda shocks me how people still follow me, despite me saying I don't intend to do this anymore.

I'm making this announcement on this book as it has 57k reads (like holy shit that's a lot of reads for why don't my other stories have that lmao) even if a lot of you don't read this book anymore.

I'm going to say it again.

I do not intend to start or finish any of the route tutorials.

I can't update Mystic Messenger on my phone (yes i still have the app, yes its because of storage, no i will not delete my photos), so I am unable to go on the app.

Besides, I still fucking busy.

Let me list all the things I have to do:

1. I have final exams.
As I've mentioned many many times, I'm in high school. My first semester is almost over so I have final exams. My grades are dropping and I need to pick them back up before I get my ass whooped by my parents.

2. Band Band Band Band Marching Band.
I'm a Band kid, so obviously I'm gonna focus on Band. We have festivals coming up, and performances for the Marching Band, so what do you expect?

3. I need a job.
My parents keep complaining about me lazying around the house, plus I need money to pay for my own shit. I have a resumé done, but I need to talk to my parents about where I want to work, I need to talk to the manager of the place, I need to make a cover letter, I gotta do the interview, I gotta clear up my schedule. This ain't easy man.

4. Life has been hitting me hard.
I've recently been going through some personal issues, causing me to distance myself a bit from my friends and loved ones, and I'm currently trying to pick myself back up and find out who I am again and to be happy. I haven't been having a great 2018 so far, so I need to focus on myself.

• btw, happy 2018!!! •

Well, I'm actually fucking tired to go on so I'm gonna get some sleep. I hope more people read this !



...Still reading?

...Well, might as well just put this out there.

...I'm actually planning on coming back but instead of this book, I'll make a diary or rant book who knows.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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