“Hey, Vanessa!”

I turn to see Alexis calling me from the entrance of the changing rooms. I nod at her and run to the bleacher, getting my gym bag before heading for the changing rooms. On my way I turn around one more time to look at Jason. He is still concentrated on his training, but as if he knew I was watching him, he looks my way. I quickly look away and hurry into the changing room.

The car ride would have been quiet if it wasn’t for Alexis trying to fill the silence. Matthew was the one driving with Alexis in the passenger seat. She kept on blabbering about all kind of things, but I just kept on looking out of the backseat window, wishing this ride would come to an end, especially because I don’t want to sit in the same vehicle as Matthew.

“Nessa?” Alexis ask, bringing me back to reality. She was looking at me questioningly, as if she expected me to answer.

I turn to look at her, “What?” I ask stupidly, a little out of it since I’ve been drifting off again.

“I asked if you made the Track team.” Alexis repeats halfheartedly because she knew I haven’t been listening to a word she’s said.

I nod, “Yeah, coach Smith actually wanted to let me into the Track team immediately, since she knows my qualities as a runner three years ago.” I answer, not quite sounding enthusiastic about my victory.

“That’s awesome!” Alexis at least tries to sound enthusiastic, but it wasn’t that easy to her when I was being so down about it. “Aren’t you glad?”

“Very.” I say, giving her a smile. But as always, it’s fake.

Alexis gave up trying to cheer me up and turned back to the front. She tried to talk to Matthew, but he also gave her shot answers that didn’t really sound too convincing.

“Ugh, I give up. You two are hopeless! I’m trying to make this easier for you but you won’t let me.” Alexis says annoyed, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms, staring out of the window.

Matthew and I still didn’t say anything, but just at that moment he and I share a look in the review mirror, but I quickly break eye contact and concentrate on everything outside my window as well.

There was a really uncomfortable and painful silence. Everyone trying to avoid the other.

The minute we stopped at Alexis’s house, she grabbed her bag that was lying at her feet and gets out of the car, slamming the door behind her without a goodbye to either of us.

I moved closer to the car door and press myself against it, hoping to make me look smaller than I already am. I didn’t want to be alone with him. I stayed silent when Matthew kept on driving but it didn’t look he had anything to say to me either.

“I’m sorry.” Matthew says after a while, still keeping his eyes on the road.

I didn’t answer, but it did surprise me that Matthew is apologizing.

He sighs and continues, “I was a huge ass, more a gigantic ass. You didn’t deserve what I said to you, that was just unforgivable, I don’t know what got into me.”

This didn’t make it any better or easier; it just made a stupid single tear run down my cheek. I wipe it away angrily. No, don’t cry here in front of him, that’s the last thing you want to do. Pretend that what he says doesn’t affect you at all and that you don’t care.

“Please say something.” Matthew begs, this time throwing me a glance through the review mirror, “You not saying anything at all is worse than saying something.”

Aha, so he wants me to make it easier for him? Well, I’m going to make you suffer. Just then we had to stop at a red light and that’s when I grabbed my stuff and opened the car door.

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