Chapter Twenty Two No touchie

23 2 1

Harry's POV

"Alright boys 5 minutes til show starts! " Paul says before walking off.

I strip off my t-shirt and try and find my sweatshirt since it's going to rain.

"Dude what happened to your back?!" Louis says and I smirk."Sam" a one word answer makes all the guys walk over."Is this looks like you got attacked by the a cat man" Zayn says and I shrug " We had fun last night"

"Hey what time is the show going to be over?" I ask before finally finding the sweatshirt and slip it on.

"Bout 11 why?" Niall says.

"I just wanted to call Sam and I didn't want it to be to late"

He nodded " You should call her now I already called Ynna she says they are having a girls night"

"Okay thanks" I say before walking off and dialing Sam's number.

I start to feel answer when she still hasn't picked up after the 7 ring.

"Miss me already? " she says calming my nerves.

"Definitely love" she laughs

"Sorry it took me awhile to pick up my phone was in my apron and I couldn't here it"

"It's alright what are ya cooking" I ask siting down on the tour bus couch and propping my feet up

"Steak with mash potatoes and green beans" My mouth waters at the thought of her cooking.

"Steak, what are you cheating on me and trying to seduce him with your cooking?"I tease

"Heck no I wouldn't waste good steak on a one night stand do you know how much steaks cost now a days" she laughs into the phone. I'm sad to say I miss that laugh already. I miss her smile and her lips-"Ouch dammit"

"You alright what happened? " I start to panic a little.Did she cut her self will it get infected will she lose a finger?

"It's fine I just nicked my finger don't have a heart attack " I breath out a long breath my body was apparently holding in .

"Time for show Harry say bye to Sam"  I sigh before answering.

"I have to do a show but I will call you in the morning ok?"

"Ok love you babe"

"Love you more bye"

I hang up and jog to the stage.


"Love you more bye' he says before hanging up.

"Lovely boyfriend you got there"

I don't answer but lunge behind him,and slit his throat.

"And your not touching him" I pull out my knife making me wince.

I look down to see the fresh bullet wound in my lower stomach.If Harry wouldn't have called I would not be in this delema.

Sorry for the short chapter don't kill me and sorry for not updating last week I was super busy planning a trip with my fam.

BUT hopefully you liked the short chapter don't worry the next chapter will be longer.

Bye lovelies luv ya loads!

-Blamethedimples ;-)

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