Hospital Pt. 2

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When Hopper leaves, the doors open back up immediately, revealing Lucas, Dustin, and Mike.

"I thought only two people were allowed at a time." I say, watching as they rush over to my bed.

"We snuck in." Mike says with a grin. It makes me think again about Eleven, and I bite my lip, looking at her watch that is still wrapped around my wrist.

"Mike." I whisper, "What happened?"

They all share a look and Mike sighs, grabbing a chair.

"It's a long story."

They all sit down, and Mike begins, launching into a story about a bathtub and the school. They tell me about Hopper and Joyce leaving along with Nancy and Jonathan. They tell me all about the bad men who returned, and what El did to save the group. They talk about how the blood attracted the Demogorgon, and how they ran into a room. They tell me about Lucas and his wrist rocket and Dustin and his pudding. They talk about how El was knocked out and the Demogorgon was closing them in. They say how El got up and used her powers on the creature, and how she killed it. They also talked about how she disappeared along with the monster.

They stop there and I have tears in my eyes.

"Poor El."

They all nod and Mike looks away, taking a shaky breath in.

"And then we heard where you've been. Hopper told all of us that you went home because you felt sick. We all knew it was a lie because you would never do that, but we still didn't know where you were."

Dustin sighs, "We heard that they found you all mangled with a broken leg. You were just sitting there, apparently. Hopper and Joyce found you, and had never seen you with so little life left."

"When you flatlined, everyone thought you were dead." Lucas shakes his head, "But Will wouldn't accept it. He said you were still alive, he told the doctors to save you, pleaded them to at least try once more. He saved your life, just like you did for him."

"It was crazy when we found out you were alive, it was like a miracle." Mike whispers, "Joyce cried, and Steve was all worried because he wanted to see you. They wouldn't let us come in because you were still unconscious."

"We all waited outside, for two days. We got up for hospital food and bathroom breaks and stuff, but we slept here." Mike says.

"What about Will?" I croak. "What happened with him."

"He got out a couple of hours ago, his recovery was faster because it was mainly dehydration and hypothermia."

"He doesn't have any broken bones, like you." The boys glance at my leg and I sigh.

"Six months until I can ride my bike and walk properly." I lean my head back and groan.

"We'll still hang out with you." Dustin says, "We will make it work."

"It's the least we can do."

It feels like they were gonna go on, but the door opens at that point and the nurse walks in.

"Boys. I said two people." She says sternly.

"Really?" Lucas grins at me behind her back, "I heard three."

"Me too." Mike says.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure you said three." Dustin says and the nurse scratches her head.

"Did I?" She shrugs, "Must be getting old. Anyways you three have to leave now because Miss Harrington here has to eat her lunch."

They all make noises of complaint as the nurse puts a plated grilled cheese sandwich on my lap.

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