Chapter 18

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Priscilla dropped me off at my house an hour ago, Kyle and the kids sat in the living room. I was waiting for a "Mommy I missed you?" But instead I got sad disappointed looks from them.

"What happened? What did you do?" I whispered to Kyle

"We need to talk-" Adrian cut him off "why you didn't tell us he's our dad?! Adrian yelled

"What? How-" I was also cut off by Adrian

"He was right there the whole time and we didn't know it" Adrian began to cry. I was about to touch him but he swatted my hand away.

"I wanted to tell you just at the right time" I tried to explain but Adrian just looked at me with hate while Alexis sat their quiet.

"I want to live with dad" Adrian sniffed and ran upstairs I looked at Kyle who was just as shocked as I was.


The next couple of days, we decided to have both custody of the twins before Adrian went to live with his dad. Alexis on the other hand wanted to stay with me so I don't feel lonely. They haven't found the person who killed Isaac and his son Sam because apparently the surveillance system tapes were erased and they couldn't recover any other data.

Alexis and I have bonded throughout those days which was probably the only bright side in this situation but my mom said things will get better, I hope.

"Mommy can I visit Adrian today?" Alexis asked from my bedroom door frame 

"Sure I can drop you off now if you want"

"Thanks mommy" she smiled and went to get her shoes on before heading outside.


"Hey" Kyle hugs Alexis after he opened the door

"What brings you here?" He asks as he Crouch down at her level

"I wanna play with Adrian" She answers energetically

"Well this lady here can take you straight to his room ok" he smiles as the maid and Alexis headed upstairs leaving us here in this awkward silence.

"So I'll get going now-" I suggested but was grabbed by the elbow.

"No you can stay and talk"

"About?" I raised an eyebrow.

"This situation, it's unhealthy for kids to have a seperated family at this age" he said.

"And where did you get that information from" I sat on the couch.

"My assistant, Adrian calmed down since that day you should talk to him" he suggested.

"I don't know..." I looked at my hands but he lifted my head to look at him.

"He'll love to see you again" he smiled and for some reason I noticed he had small dimples which were appearing out no where "so which movie do you want to watch?

"Uh... I haven't watched a lot of movies in a while" I shyly admitted

"Yikes. Then I'll give you a recommended movie that I think you'll love" he said and quickly puts on a movie so I didn't have a chance to look at the title.

"Wait a minute is this Fast and-" I began to say but Kyle shushed me while focusing on the movie. I crossed my arms and sighed as I watched Fast and Furious.

About 30 minutes in the movie, Adrian comes downstairs with Alexis and sat next to me.

"Mommy can we go out tonight with Daddy and Adrien?" Alexis ask

"If it's ok with your dad then sure" I shrugged and Kyle nods at them.


We headed out to roller skate and went on line to buy skating shoes while listening to Adrian bragging that he's a pro skater when this is his first time skating.

Once we got our skating shoes on I helped the kids balance while not to far behind Kyle was holding onto the wall for his dear life. "How are you good at this?!" He yells from a far

"I was in an ice skating club in college so I remembered what I learned and used that for roller skating" I yelled back

"Mommy you should go help Daddy" Alexis giggled and go of my right hand

"Yeah we have pads on so we'll be fine" Adrian said held the wall along with Alexis

I skated to Kyle and grabbed his hands  to steady him. "Now let's take this slow..."

"I'm not three years old Heather" he rolled his eyes

"You might as well be" I led him around the skating rink a couple of times. His hands are so cold around mine..

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