In which sixteen year old Summer Bradshaw
finds herself fighting off a monster from another
dimension all whilst mending her broken heart.
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"STAY SAFE, KID," Hopper says once Summer had opened the door of his truck and jumped out. Her feet landing on the soft dirt of her nature strip with a small thud, before closing the door behind herself.
"Will do, Chief," She salutes the man with two fingers, a harmless smirk lazily pulling at the corner of her lips. "Thanks again for the ride."
"Anytime." The man nods, accepting her gratitude and then roars off down the street. No doubt rushing off back to the Quarry and the bucket loads of paperwork he was going to have to fill out.
Summer had tried to not think about the news he had bestowed on them. Knowing that the second she did, she wouldn't be able to contain the heartache it would bring. She'd even insisted on staying with Jonathan and Joyce as a way to distract herself. Focusing all of her attention on supporting them rather than having to be alone with her own thoughts.
Though, the mother and son had insisted that she go home and get some rest. And, as guilty as she felt for admitting it, she was exhausted, and she certainly wasn't going to get any sleep staying there.
Everyone had been affected by the news and Summer could see by the way Hopper looked at Joyce with downturned eyes that he felt partial to blame. What if he had moved quicker, planned faster, then perhaps Will would've been found before it was too late. But, he wasn't to blame. No one was.
Once inside the house, Summer falls onto the sofa as an overwhelming wave of emptiness washes over her. She sighs, feeling lost, and for the first time in a while, alone.
This was the first time in the past few days that she had really been by herself and the silence was eating away at her.
In times like these, she would've relied on Steve to keep her company and help pull her through the cloud of darkness. But she couldn't do that anymore. She couldn't talk to the one person that she would tell anything and everything to, well, everything except for the one thing that could have possibly saved their relationship.
After a moment, she starts making her way up to her room, the events of the past few days hitting her all at once as she struggles to keep her emotions in check. Tears roll down her cheeks as she sinks onto her bed, an undeniable heaviness on her shoulders and slowly it starts to all come out.
The realisation that she had not only lost Steve, but she had also lost Will - the little boy whom she loved like a little brother - hits her harder than anything ever had before.
"Summer, is that you sweetie?" Helene appears at her daughters door in a robe, her steps slow as she sees Summer crying.
"Mom..." Summer sobs, her voice breaking and lip trembling as she bursts into tears.
Helene rushes to her side, pulling her into a hug and kisses the top of her head. It was an extremely rare sight for Helene to see her daughter in such a way, and she felt like that was her own fault for not being around as much as she wished she had, especially when Summer obviously needed her.