Childhood friends

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"Dee will you pick Luke up from the bus station please!" My mum yelled to me from down the stairs. "Yes mum!" I yelled back from my room.

It was the day my childhood friend, Luke fisher comes back to his hometown. Its been 8 years since I last saw him. I wonder if he's changed.

"Dee hurry up! Luke will be at the bus station in 20 minutes!" My mum yelled at me again. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes mum! I'm coming!" I yelled back to her as I ran down the stairs. "See you mum!" I yelled to her getting my shoes on. " byee Dee! See you soo-" I cut mum off when I slammed the door. Opps I'm going to be in trouble for that later, oh well it can't be helped.

I looked at my watch on my wrist, my eyes widened because it was 11:00am and I now only had 1o minutes to get to the bus station. My only option was to run now.

I started to run. I ran as fast as I could. The only thing about running really fast is that you can't stop, and I kept on bumping into a lot of people which I would think weren't very happy.

I nearly bumped into one of my friends. Lucky I dodged her. " hey, Dee!" I heard Sarah yell trying to stop me from running. "Sorry, I can't stop now! I got to be somewhere" I yelled to Sarah still running.

I finally stopped when I got to the bus station. I looked at my watch to see I was right on time.

I got out a photo of me and Luke when we were 8 years old. Luke was always really quiet and always looking down at the ground. He never really smiled, even in photos he never smiled.

"Fine then don't bother!" I looked at where that voice was coming from. He was to the left of me. He threw his phone to the ground, and me being me caught it before it fell to the floor. " I threw that phone for a reason you know" he said looking down at me. I started to sit up. " but it's got all your important information in it" I said looking up at him. He smiled at little holding his hand out to me. " I haven't got information in that phone" was all he said. I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up. " you haven't changed a bit Dee" my eyes widen because he knew my name. It couldn't be Luke fisher, could it?


Childhood friendsWhere stories live. Discover now