An Apple Red As Blood

Start from the beginning

He quickly stood up, but groaned. "Jax, I need you to take me to my apartment before you go."

I gave him a confused look as he attached his helmet. "How? I don't exactly gave a license."

He tossed me his keys. "Now you do."

Fairytale World

The things I do for these people. Snow looked over at King George's castle with her little telescope. I'm surprise Snow's been able to gather Red - with her Grandmother - and the dwarves.

"If we're going to get him out, we're going to have to get over that wall," she started as she handed me my telescope back. "There's a soldier on every parapet."

"We're going to need some air support," Granny pointed out.

Grumpy came over and held up his crossbow. "Air? I know just the person who can help us, someone who owes me a favor."

We heard a twig snap. We all turned around and aimed our weapons at our intruder, who turns out to be Red.

She held her hands up. "Don't shoot. It's only me."

I rolled my eyes as I shed my sword. I pointed at the blood dripping down her chin. "Love, you've got someone on your chin."

She wiped her mouth. "Sorry."

I smirked. "Don't be." I knew I liked her for a reason.

"What were you able to find out?" Snow asked in a hurry.

"Your Prince is still alive," Red said, but she didn't seem to excited about it.

"Then, why don't you look happy?"

"Because I also heard word the Queen is here." Of course, she would be.

"She knew I'd come for him."

I shook my head. "That's it. Snow stays here while the rest of us rescue Charming." I looked at everyone and didn't give them time to answer. "No arguments, great. We'll meet back here at midnight. If I don't see any of was nice knowing you all."

I went to walk, but Snow held me back. "I'm still going, Cas."

I let out a fake chuckle. "You're kidding me right? Let's pretend that all of this isn't a trap and just walk in the castle and take Charming."

"I know it's a trap, but I can't stop. Not now." She looked towards the rest of us. "And I'll understand if any of you want to turn back." Then we all started shouting at her.


"Not a chance!"

"No way in bloody hell!"

Snow looked around the group in pure happiness. She should be, we're all here to help her. She's helped us. We would lay our lives for her.

"Oh. Well, then there's no time to waste," She said.

The group headed towards the castle. Snow was about to walk too, but Red called her back. "Why is the Queen doing this?"

"I destroyed her happiness. And now, she wants to destroy mine."


We waited far away from the castle line waiting for Red's signal. This is it, we're saving that stupid prince. We heard Red's howl in the distance.

"Thank you, Red," Snow said under her breath. She didn't look back at the dwarves. "Do it." Bashful lit up his torch before passing the fire to Doc. Doc lit his arrow and shot it towards the sky. Hopefully the Blue Fairy got the signal. "Move out."

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